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Is recent Noah's Ark claim a hoax ?

By T.K. Randall
May 3, 2010 · Comment icon 25 comments

Image Credit: Französischer Meister
A former member of the expedition who recently claimed to have found Noah's Ark in Turkey has stated that it was a hoax.
Randall Price has claimed that in 2008 the wooden beams and planks from an old structure by the Black Sea were transported up to Mount Ararat in Turkey by Kurdish laborers. Further doubt has been cast by the presence of cobwebs in the corners of a wooden compartment photographed at the site of the alleged discovery.
It took nearly 5,000 years to unearth Noah's Ark -- and just three days for a serious challenge to the legitimacy of the find to emerge. A former member of the expedition whose sponsors this week claimed to have found the legendary biblical boat buried beneath the snows of Turkey's Mount Ararat says the "discovery" was probably a hoax.

Source: AOL News | Comments (25)

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Comment icon #16 Posted by startover 15 years ago
If Noah's Ark exists/existed then anything is possible....SCARY Though, like most claims like this, it's probably another HOAX. Makes it harder and harder to believe...
Comment icon #17 Posted by shaka5 15 years ago
Uhm, no - not joking. There have been hewn wood fragments recovered and carbon dated. That really doesn't prove anything at all
Comment icon #18 Posted by psyche101 15 years ago
If Noah's Ark exists/existed then anything is possible....SCARY Though, like most claims like this, it's probably another HOAX. Makes it harder and harder to believe... Hoax? Nahhhh, 4th times a charm..... isn't it......
Comment icon #19 Posted by bigtroutak 15 years ago
The article doesn't actually claim its a hoax, nor does it offer proof that it is a hoax. Wow some of you seem as eager to believe anyone who says its not real as the christians are to believe anyone who says it is real.
Comment icon #20 Posted by Archangel Michael 15 years ago
What a helluva hoax to play on the unsuspecting world , esp. a famous tale right out of the bible. How sad for those in the Ararat mountain region are long told of their ancestry dates back to Noah can hurt ethnonational pride. The Chechen people (self name "Noxci" or "Nokh") had declared themselves descendants of Noah and his family after they embarked in the northern Caucasus after the great flood. The Kurdish workers wanted to make a tale a reality, but c'mon!... nobody should pull one off.
Comment icon #21 Posted by Fluffybunny 15 years ago
Earlier this week a group of Chinese Christians held a news conference to announce they were 99.9 percent sure they had found Noah's Ark — the boat the Bible says was built by God's most righteous man before a "sinful" human race drowned in the Great Flood.Maybe the find on Mount Ararat in Turkey really is Noah's Ark. More likely, it isn't. But if it isn't, that won't stop Ark enthusiasts from believing it is out there somewhere. Immediately in the wake of the news flash, experts weighed in to shoot it down. "The wood in the photos is not old enough" ... "There are no location pictures to ve... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Grimmace 15 years ago
The article doesn't actually claim its a hoax, nor does it offer proof that it is a hoax. Wow some of you seem as eager to believe anyone who says its not real as the christians are to believe anyone who says it is real. True, but if you look at the original thread for the Noah's Ark find, you'll find the same people already stating that it was a hoax. This revelation had little impact on their view points. The problem, though, is that the burden of proof always lies with the one who claims something *does* exist for it is nearly impossible to prove something doesn't exist (at least beyond dis... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 15 years ago
No - none of them could take anyone back to show them the hugeassed boat they found on a mountain. I LOLed at this!
Comment icon #24 Posted by Brakzar Break 15 years ago
What's next? Uncovering a giant skeleton and claim it's Goliath? Oh wait..
Comment icon #25 Posted by Lizardian_guy 15 years ago
Do we even need to ask the question. It IS a hoax.

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