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Former Area 51 insiders speak out

By T.K. Randall
May 8, 2010 · Comment icon 49 comments

Image Credit: Wikipedia
Its one of the most secretive places on the planet but now five insiders have revealed new details about Area 51.
Its been a staple of science fiction and conspiracy theories for decades, nestled in the Nevada desert 100 miles from Las Vegas Area 51 is believed by many to be a staging ground for everything from black project test flights to the reverse engineering of alien spacecraft.
Area 51. It's the most famous military institution in the world that doesn't officially exist. If it did, it would be found about 100 miles outside Las Vegas in Nevada's high desert, tucked between an Air Force base and an abandoned nuclear testing ground.

Source: LA Times | Comments (49)

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Comment icon #40 Posted by Openminded.Ulsterman 14 years ago
I will read the rest of the links you provided and I shall give you my thoughts on them
Comment icon #41 Posted by Obviousman 14 years ago
Fair enough. However, don't you think the evolution of aircraft is amazing? The Wright brothers made the breakthroughs at the turn of the 20th century and by 1947 we have the Roswell incident and from there ever increasing advances in speed and safety. Pretty cool that we have achieved so much yet I can't help thinking how useful alien help would hve been along the way even if that was from reverse engineering. Here's a good ebook on the evolution of aircraft. The jury is out for me really because as you say there are covert elements at wo... [More]
Comment icon #42 Posted by badeskov 14 years ago
I can apprecite the more rational explanation but other possibilities are worth consideration. I don't see which other explanations are worth considering, to be honest. The research and development history is very well documented and can be read in as much detail as you like. There is no room for other explanations. It may not be a case of reverse engineering as there is no evidence to support that but that is not to mean the likes of Parsons did not get a little help long the way that achieved in a few years what could have other wise taken over a decade. Maybe the help ws just subtle enough ... [More]
Comment icon #43 Posted by -d00Fus- 14 years ago
I remember hearing somewhere years ago that military technology - especially the US - is about 20 years ahead of what is available in the public domain. When you think about what is available at the shops now, even if that gap has closed it still means that what the "black projects" have available to them is going to be quite remarkable. It doesn't take aliens, it takes intelligent people with resources to spare spending years on development. When you think that most military stuff is 10 to 20 years in development before they are even revealed to the public, it is no surprise that we don't kno... [More]
Comment icon #44 Posted by SlimJim22 14 years ago
I don't see which other explanations are worth considering, to be honest. The research and development history is very well documented and can be read in as much detail as you like. There is no room for other explanations. Correct, there is no evidence whatsoever indicating that. Actually, rather the opposite. The very well documented history of development shows that. Cheers, Badeskov I don't think you can ever entirely rule out conspiracies just like you can't automatically accept them. There are of course degrees in scale; for example using UFO's as a cover for covert operations to aliens f... [More]
Comment icon #45 Posted by exterminar 14 years ago
If aliens and alien technology came to the hands of the US government and our government is doing everything it can to learn about the aliens and their technology then our government should not go public with this information, not only would valuable resources be wasted in communicating this info. but also the technological advantage would be lost. There's really no real incentive for the US government to go public with this - yet...
Comment icon #46 Posted by SlimJim22 14 years ago
If aliens and alien technology came to the hands of the US government and our government is doing everything it can to learn about the aliens and their technology then our government should not go public with this information, not only would valuable resources be wasted in communicating this info. but also the technological advantage would be lost. There's really no real incentive for the US government to go public with this - yet... Hypothetically speaking, what if the US is being armed by one group of ET's but the Chinese and/or Russia are being armed by rival groups. This creates a problem ... [More]
Comment icon #47 Posted by exterminar 14 years ago
Hypothetically speaking, what if the US is being armed by one group of ET's but the Chinese and/or Russia are being armed by rival groups. This creates a problem because both sidea are trying to keep it a secret and pretend like nothings wrong when in truth we could be being used as pawns to fight an aeon old war. I think it's safe to say they don't want to wipe us out or can't for whatever reason so arm us so we will destroy ourselves and they move in. Just a theory but shouldn't safeguards be put in place to stop this kind of thing from happenning? That would be true if there were evidence o... [More]
Comment icon #48 Posted by frenat 14 years ago
That would be true if there were evidence of ET's arming the Chinese and/or Russians, which to the contrary, those countries are lacking in innovation. Furthermore, who's to say that the safeguards aren't being put into place? Exactly. Russia seems to always copy the US and China buys Russia's stuff and copys it to make it themselves.
Comment icon #49 Posted by angi chiesa 14 years ago
we are now given full details on this expermental site. Secret because of advanced aircraft testing for radar footprints. No conspiracy theories ,all shot down in flames now.All you want to know about this site is freely available. So believers go hang your heads in shame for being so gullible

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