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Metaphysics & Psychology

Druids hired to cut road accidents

By T.K. Randall
May 20, 2010 · Comment icon 14 comments

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Austrian motorway bosses have hired druids to drain the negative energy from infamous accident black spots.
An initial trial conducted to see if the concept had merrit produced impressive results, now officials are rolling out the scheme nationwide in an attempt to reduce traffic accidents.
Motoroway bosses in Austria secretly hired a full-time team of druids to drain 'negative energy' from accident blackspots. The team is said to have reduced fatal accidents at one notorious crash site to zero after restoring its "terrestrial radiation".

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Comment icon #5 Posted by OverSword 15 years ago
You don't have to be a scoffing christian or overly skeptical to believe this is beyond stupid. I'd be willing to bet there is other factors besides "negative earth energy" affecting parts of road with more thatn thier share of accidents. Things such as bad engineering or poor planning.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Alchera 15 years ago
the five year olds are in control and they have shiny new toys! watch out! i dont hear very much about druids at all. this is pretty cool. now if only we could send some druids back in time and to sweden. drain that negative energy so cliff burton does not die!! Awesome!
Comment icon #7 Posted by Moonie2012 15 years ago
How exactly does one "drain negative earth energy" from a spot?
Comment icon #8 Posted by Eurymedon 15 years ago
How exactly does one "drain negative earth energy" from a spot? With an enormous siphon powered by the souls of unborn children. Still, I think this is a grossly entertaining, if ill advised, use of tax dollars.
Comment icon #9 Posted by eight bits 15 years ago
The story seems bogus. "Seems" as in the Pope seems Catholic. Although the OP gives a May 2010 date for the story, a much longer but similarly worded story ran in August 2003 in the London Telegraph. The last line of that original source story is "Of course, the fall in accidents could be due to something else, as we are continuously repairing the roads," said Mr Dirnbacher. There apparently actually is a Mr Dirnbacher. I think he was having a little fun with the Telegraph, and ... [More]
Comment icon #10 Posted by puridalan 15 years ago
Eight Bits Thanks for all that info! Seriously though red flag when a newstory is that short, plus the source...well enough said Thanks again!
Comment icon #11 Posted by 27vet 15 years ago
I am happy that they are doing something about the accident problem. All other countries should follow suite.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Mattshark 15 years ago
You don't have to be a scoffing christian or overly skeptical to believe this is beyond stupid. I'd be willing to bet there is other factors besides "negative earth energy" affecting parts of road with more thatn thier share of accidents. Things such as bad engineering or poor planning. Yep and of course, bad driving.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Shadow_of_Man 15 years ago
You don't have to be a scoffing christian or overly skeptical to believe this is beyond stupid. I'd be willing to bet there is other factors besides "negative earth energy" affecting parts of road with more thatn thier share of accidents. Things such as bad engineering or poor planning. Bad engineering doesn't answer the fact that "One blackspot's fatal accident rate fell from an average of six per year to nothing after the druid treatment" - or do people like you just look at the statement "Druids hired to cut road accidents" and base your decision on the fact that you are a "scoffing christi... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by puridalan 15 years ago
It's not even that..the news source(cough) seems to be fake..therefore making even all claims of this ever even occuring...false

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