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Space & Astronomy

Astronomers build galactic dark matter map

By T.K. Randall
November 14, 2010 · Comment icon 25 comments

Image Credit: NASA
Astronomers have used the Hubble telescope to produce a highly detailed dark matter map.
The mysterious dark matter is believed to make up a significant percentage of all the matter in the universe even though it cannot be observed directly.
Astronomers have created a new, incredibly detailed map of dark matter by using the Hubble Space Telescope to peer through a huge cluster of galaxies as if it were a cosmic magnifying glass.

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (25)

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Comment icon #16 Posted by liteness 14 years ago
dark matter and energy were not imagined to fill holes in the big bang theory. they were first hypothesized to explain observed phenomena in our universe. there is a large amount of indirect evidence supporting their existence. the map is not speculation at all. it uses predictions from gravitational lensing, a proven phenomena, to find the mass present in the area. since not all of the mass is visible, it must be due to something, probably dark matter And yes, dark matter/energy is an imagination to fill holes in the big bang theory. You say it yourself. "they were first hypothesized to expla... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by snuffypuffer 14 years ago
And yes, dark matter/energy is an imagination to fill holes in the big bang theory. You say it yourself. "they were first hypothesized to explain observed phenomena in our universe". The phenomena comes from the BBT model, and thus is phenomena because the theory and observations do not compliment one another. Hence, dark things were imagined to keep the big bang model intact. If you have any source for your statement, that dark matter and energy was not created to fill big bang holes I'd like to see it. edit: Not to mention there is a direct violation with the law of conservation of energy. I... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by Drj312 14 years ago
Universe with up to 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter and bare 4% comprising all the matter in observable universe, claims for the existence of invisible, unknown forces, to support a theory where it is admitted that over 90% of the universe it seeks to explain cannot even be detected, hardly seems worthy of being called "science." (Vauclair et al. 2003) did you purposely miscredit that statement? the real context: In addition, the WMAP, which supports the "concordance (Λ-CDM) model" of the Universe with up to 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter and bare 4% comprising all the matter in observable... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by liteness 14 years ago
did you purposely miscredit that statement? the real context: In addition, the WMAP, which supports the "concordance (Λ-CDM) model" of the Universe with up to 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter and bare 4% comprising all the matter in observable universe, has been under attack in recent years. Critics have complained that claims for the existence of invisible, unknown forces, to support a theory where it is admitted that over 90% of the universe it seeks to explain cannot even be detected, hardly seems worthy of being called "science." thats from an... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by liteness 14 years ago
I admit to not knowing what the hell I'm talking about but isn't the Big Bang the generally accepted theory for the creation of our universe because it has the most observable phenomena supporting its existence? So dark matter and dark energy have been postulated, in theory, to fill the holes in the Big Bang, which means in a roundabout way that they are observable, just not directly observable. Sort of like wind, you see it moving tree limbs and grass, you can feel it, but you have no way of actually seeing it. Keep in mind I freely admit to not knowing dick. What you say is a very good summa... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by .c0000ff00Pain 14 years ago
Dark energy and dark matter does exist and even proven they don't exist they still exist once in our memory
Comment icon #22 Posted by Mentalcase 14 years ago
Btw, no know really knows dick about the universe and physics =) But it's really pleasing to see that people can actually agree that they don't know anything. Everyone is guessing and speculating. From everything I've read and study up on, I came to that conclusion. Lol. I'd like you to say that to all the hard working physicists out there! It's not so much of a guessing game. Sure, at first, someone has to throw out a hypothesis. Then scientists/physicists alike look for the answers. We have figured out so much of the observable universe. Including what happens on the quantum level. The disco... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by Drj312 14 years ago
A very strange accusation, since I did not use any quotation with my statement, it is quite reasonable to state the something similar as stated in that journal study, as I tend to agree with it. Many state the same, without being accused of 'miscredit of a statement'. To be honest I don't truly understand how you are using the word miscredit. Miscredit: To give no credit or belief to; disbelieve. Perhaps you can clear that up before insinuating I am breaking some sort of rule. you said:Universe with up to 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter and bare 4% comprising all the matter in observable univ... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by liteness 14 years ago
Lol. I'd like you to say that to all the hard working physicists out there! It's not so much of a guessing game. Sure, at first, someone has to throw out a hypothesis. Then scientists/physicists alike look for the answers. We have figured out so much of the observable universe. Including what happens on the quantum level. The discovery of fundamental particles, their behavior, movement, mass, etc. I have numerous physics books I read periodically. I highly doubt the authors of these books think they are guessing, more then knowing. I agree that most of cosmology is a guessing game until the te... [More]
Comment icon #25 Posted by liteness 14 years ago
you said:Universe with up to 73% dark energy, 23% dark matter and bare 4% comprising all the matter in observable universe, claims for the existence of invisible, unknown forces, to support a theory where it is admitted that over 90% of the universe it seeks to explain cannot even be detected, hardly seems worthy of being called "science." (Vauclair et al. 2003) the statement does not come from vauclair. the statement comes, word for word, from that website that i posted. that is against the rules because you did not cite the proper source, ie the web article that i found. its not that its que... [More]

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