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Nature & Environment

Elephants capable of insight

By T.K. Randall
August 25, 2011 · Comment icon 14 comments

Image Credit: Sandra Fenley
In a series of experiments elephants have been shown to be capable of spontaneous problem solving.
To test elephant intelligence researchers hung some food out of reach over an enclosure and placed a heavy cube on the ground a short distance away. To their delight the elephant was able to figure out that if it pushed the cube underneath it was able to stand on it in order to reach the food above.
Kandula, a seven year old Asian elephant living in Washington D. C. ’s National Zoo, has proven that elephants are as smart as those that spend a lot of time around them have believed.

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Comment icon #5 Posted by Cherry- 13 years ago
Awwwwwwwwwwww so adorable omg *panics*
Comment icon #6 Posted by xXHellkittiesXx 13 years ago
Elephants: So like us....
Comment icon #7 Posted by DigitalDreamer 13 years ago
Nothing is more adorable than a baby elephant
Comment icon #8 Posted by HawkLord 13 years ago
Just proves that animals are smarter than some poeple I know.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Khaleid 13 years ago
yet they're still afraid of mice A lot of people are also afraid of mice...
Comment icon #10 Posted by FurthurBB 13 years ago
Elephants also mourn and bury their dead.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Xanthurion2 13 years ago
A lot of people are also afraid of mice... i know but elephants can just stomp on them and a person would get their shoes/socks/feet bloody and that would be nasty but elephants walk around all day stepping on things so it shouldn't bother them
Comment icon #12 Posted by Sevastiel 13 years ago
i know but elephants can just stomp on them and a person would get their shoes/socks/feet bloody and that would be nasty but elephants walk around all day stepping on things so it shouldn't bother them Unless they don't want to get their feet all nasty and bloody...
Comment icon #13 Posted by jaguarsky 13 years ago
So many of our four footed brothers and sisters are intelligent and insightful and we are much less for not acknowledging that. In my experience I have learned that the more like an equal you treat an animal, the more like an equal they become.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Taut 13 years ago
Well, duh. We needed a study to know this? I realize humans tend to anthropomorphize everything but all one has to do is watch the critters for a while to know that most of them are not just "dumb beasts". Seems to me we should have been blown absolutely away with the fact that a Gorilla could "lie" after hanging out with humans, but there was little fanfare over or interest in, that discovery.

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