Nature & Environment
Microbes found living under Arctic ice
T.K. RandallJune 17, 2012 ·
Image Credit: NOAA
A thriving pea soup of plankton has been found living in the frozen depths below arctic ice sheets.
The discovery is a huge surprise to scientists as it is generally believed that this type of environment is inhospitable due to the lack of light. The green plankton has been found to extend over 100km off the coast of Alaska.
"I've been in this field for almost 30 years now, and I would have said this was impossible," said oceanographer Kevin Arrigo. "The assumption has always been that where you've got ice, nothing will grow in the water beneath it."
Secret gardens may hide beneath floating slabs of ice in the Arctic. A pea soup of plantlike plankton has been uncovered that extends more than 100 kilometers under ice off Alaska’s coast.
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