Science & Technology
Could an 'elixir of life' actually exist ?
T.K. RandallNovember 7, 2012 ·
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Scientists in Kazakhstan claim to have developed a drink that they are hailing as an 'elixir of life'.
Kazakhstan's leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev gave orders to Nazarbayev University asking them to develop the elixir back in 2009. The yoghurt based drink known as 'nar' might not sound particularly revolutionary but scientists outside of Kazakhstan have expressed an interest in its development.
"Definitely, the Kazaks are on to something," said Roger Highfield. "There is a lot of interest in trying to tweak your microbial culture. The complicated mixture of microbes has big influences on obesity on diabetes, maybe even on heart attacks so we are trying to tweak that with probiotics now."
Dr Jennifer Rampling, an expert on elixirs based in Cambridge said: "He is the latest in a long line of rulers and important people who have hired or been approached by scientists and physicians who claim to have found some kind of elixir capable of prolonging life. "
Telegraph |
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