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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Could 'Almas' be surviving Neanderthals ?

By T.K. Randall
January 15, 2013 · Comment icon 28 comments

Image Credit: stockxpert
Stories of a species of 'wild man' have been coming out of Central Asia and Mongolia for years.
Similar in concept to Bigfoot or the Yeti, the 'Alma' or 'Almasty' is said to be a large hairy hominid that lives in the wilderness. What makes this particular legend different to the others however is the fact that while the more well-known cryptids are speculated to be an unknown species of large ape, the Almasty is thought to more closely resemble Neanderthal man. While it seems unlikely, could there be a surviving pocket of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers living in the wilds of Russia ?

One particularly intriguing encounter is said to have occurred in 1944 when a group of men patrolling on horseback came upon a huge bipedal creature which shot away from them at an incredible pace. They later cornered it at a nearby cabin in an effort to capture it but it charged and escaped, leaving the men scrambling to safety. The identity of the mysterious assailant was never determined. [!gad]Similar in concept to Bigfoot or the Yeti, the 'Alma' or 'Almasty' is said to be a large hairy hominid that lives in the wilderness. What makes this particular legend different to the others however is the fact that while the more well-known cryptids are speculated to be an unknown species of large ape, the Almasty is thought to more closely resemble Neanderthal man. While it seems unlikely, could there be a surviving pocket of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers living in the wilds of Russia ?

One particularly intriguing encounter is said to have occurred in 1944 when a group of men patrolling on horseback came upon a huge bipedal creature which shot away from them at an incredible pace. They later cornered it at a nearby cabin in an effort to capture it but it charged and escaped, leaving the men scrambling to safety. The identity of the mysterious assailant was never determined.
Nick Redfern: Across what used to be Soviet Central Asia, as far west as what are parts of Europe, and as far east as Mongolia, reports have long proliferated of hairy creatures known as Almas or Almasty that seem to be far more akin to men than they do apes; although they reputedly demonstrate clear and undeniable characteristics of both.

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Comment icon #19 Posted by King Cobra 1408 12 years ago
honestly i do believe it and believe there are members of long time species in the planet earth still the earth is full of surprises and mysteries and everything would be awsome if i could join you guys next time lol but really i would though.all the goods stuff happens in Russia i wish i was there already Go Russia!
Comment icon #20 Posted by cachibatches. 12 years ago
Probably just someone with some kind of genetic deformity forced to live away from society. I saw a NatGeo program where they finally were able to do a good analysis of Zena and Kwit, the famous mother and son who were thought to be Almas, and they were NOT Neandertal. However, the scientists did note that they were odd looking. Gigantism, maybe?
Comment icon #21 Posted by orangepeaceful79 12 years ago
But splitting hairs is so much fun I just couldn't let this one go. Really? Since when was Neaderthal Man considered a cryptid? If my memory serves me correctly there is ample fossil evidence to back up it's existence. So it's not a cryptid any more than the ceolachanth is or ever was a cryptid. Correct? And for pete's sake don't say there have never been any fossils of Neaderthal man found in Siberia. Just a gentle warning. Other than that, carry on ol pal.... Sorry for not being clearer. I wasn't going on the assumption that these critters were Neanderthals....its only speculation that they ... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Stardrive 12 years ago
Well the article speculates that maybe the Almas are a surviving pocket of Neanderthals. Yeah, that ain't to likely either.
Comment icon #23 Posted by redbundy 12 years ago
One thing that I'm 100% certain of and will NEVER have my mind changed is that there are NO Bigfoots or Yeti's or "Squatches" like the guys on 'Finding Bigfoot' call them (on that note, isn't it funny on that show that no matter where those guys look for "Squatches", whether it's the suburbs of a big city to the National Forest of Minnesota, they ALWAYS "prove" that there are Bigfoots in the area, without actually any proof what so ever. I mean they have yet to go to a state that doesn't have a sizeable population of Bigfoots living there. I find it so funny that these grown men and women actu... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by minera 12 years ago
Neanderthals were no animals rather an offshoot of our human family tree. As humans we do carry some of the neanderthal genes so at one time our species intermingled.By referring to them as animals we have to remember that in the same respect homo sapiens are also animals.
Comment icon #25 Posted by The New Richard Nixon 11 years ago
I believe there is another account of this creature or hairy human. I can't remember but it was in Kazakhstan or somewhere in Central Asia. Apparently there was a cave right in the middle of a plateau or near some hills. i can't remember the whole story but a group of people found a "community" of them and they did not speak any language but only grunts or calls. Then they heard of a town that had a female that was helping the locals with their daily lives and apparently she was pregnant. I think it was called Ape men of the Steppes, couldn't remember where i found the story
Comment icon #26 Posted by Cynical Sounds 11 years ago
Interesting read but I don't believe it for 1 simple reason It was late one dark, autumn night in 1944, and Koshokoyev, working as a policeman at the time, was part of a group of local men scouring the nearby fields and hills on horseback, and keeping a careful watch for any signs of Hitler’s marauding armies closing in. the Germans had been losing the Caucasus mountains since mid 1942 and withdrew completely in September 43. The Kabardino-Balkaria region was clear of the Nazi's for over 18 months by the time of this incident, So no the nazi's weren't closing in, and there was a distinct lac... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by R4z3rsPar4d0x 11 years ago
Didn't Stalin's scientists try to cross breed humans with Ape's to try to build a super soldier? http://www.ufodigest...persoldier.html Yeah that is true but I thoght once Stalin found out what the scientist was doing he put a stop to it, because he thought it was a sick thing to do
Comment icon #28 Posted by Bavarian Raven 11 years ago
I've heard this story before and the creature sounded like an Neanderthal to me. I wonder if there could be some around. My personal theory about Sasquatches and the like, from my research and personal experience alike, are that they are populations of humans suffering from Hypertrichosis (or something akin to it), that were driven out from their tribes/clans long ago. (people usually dont like other people who aren't like them as history has proven). Once out there they have continued to survive and sightings of these "wild men" fuel the sightings/legends. It would explain most of the stories... [More]

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