Nature & Environment
Thousands of dead fish wash up in Brazil
T.K. RandallMarch 16, 2013 ·
Image Credit: Jarle Vines
Authorities are working to remove several thousand dead fish from Brazil's Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon.
A tourist attraction in the region, the lagoon has been turned in to a sea of dead fish following two recent storms. It is believed that the storms caused large amounts of organic matter to be washed in to the lagoon, decreasing the oxygen content to the point where its fish population couldn't survive. The situation wasn't helped by the fact that at the time, large numbers of the fish had entered the lagoon to spawn.
Authorities are now working to remove more than 12 tons of dead fish from the water. In 2016 the lagoon will be used as one of the venues for the Olympic rowing event.
A large amount of organic matter that entered the lagoon as a result of two recent large storms consumed oxygen and brought it down to critically low levels, Carlos Alberto Muniz, the municipal environment secretary, told Efe.
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