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Modern Mysteries

Mystery spiral discovered near Coventry

By T.K. Randall
September 19, 2014 · Comment icon 17 comments

The spiral was found in a field at the site of Temple Balsall. Image Credit: Google Earth
A historian came across the pattern on Google Earth while conducting research on the Knights Templar.
The peculiar spiral feature, which is approximately 30m in diamater, appears to be carved in to the ground and is located only half a mile from a field in which an intricate star-shaped crop formation had previously appeared back in 2011.

Researcher Chris McCauley came across the pattern while investigating the Knights Templar who founded the hamlet of Temple Balsall at that location more than 1,000 years ago.
"I was looking at Temple Balsall trying to locate the hall of the Knights Templar," he said. "I was looking at the map and noticed something quite distinctive in the landscape."

Despite a thorough Internet search McCauley was unable to find any other references to the mysterious spiral pattern which appeared to have gone unnoticed until now.

"Since I was unable to find any record of this marking, and the fact that it hasn't even been acknowledged/reported as a crop circle, I can only hope that this maybe a genuine undiscovered archaeological feature," he said.

Source: Coventry Telegraph | Comments (17)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #8 Posted by DieChecker 11 years ago
I'm going to go with modern landscaping also. It isn't very big and so would have quickly disappeared if it was 100+ years old.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Mikenator 11 years ago
it's in the shape of a giant lollipop!!!!!!! Hide the lollies the aliens want them all to themselves!
Comment icon #10 Posted by GreenmansGod 11 years ago
It is a labyrinth, I have a friend who built one just like it in her yard. It is used for walking meditation. I have walked it many times.
Comment icon #11 Posted by jarjarbinks 11 years ago
one of my friend also built a labyrinth like this, but it's not for mediation, he collects lost childrens in it.
Comment icon #12 Posted by hellwyr 11 years ago
it's in the shape of a giant lollipop!!!!!!! Hide the lollies the aliens want them all to themselves! I did the same, someone I know also has a labyinth in her yard...
Comment icon #13 Posted by Border Collie 11 years ago
one of my friend also built a labyrinth like this, but it's not for mediation, he collects lost childrens in it. He didn't use to be a Radio 1 DJ did he? 😄
Comment icon #14 Posted by quiXilver 11 years ago
I love walking the spiral... that one must be beautiful!
Comment icon #15 Posted by not_mikee 11 years ago
This reminds me of a symbol from the book: The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld by John Matthews It's been a few years since I read it, but as I recall it's about Mr. Matthews meditating or concentrating on the symbol and being able to communicate or channel a Sidhe (Fairy). If you want, you can do a search for Mr. Matthews symbol on google. Once you see it, you may see the resemblance too. .
Comment icon #16 Posted by Calibeliever 11 years ago
It is a labyrinth, I have a friend who built one just like it in her yard. It is used for walking meditation. I have walked it many times. Quite right. I walked one this weekend in celebration of Mabon. Sometimes they are temporary and sometimes people create and maintain them year round. This one looks well maintained. I'd love an invite!
Comment icon #17 Posted by anchorface 8 years ago
No difficulty with this.  There is a direct link to the Knights Templar with this sort of maze.  I suggest that you get hold of a copy of 'The Grail Chronicles' by E C Coleman - it is explained in there.  Someone with the time might like to check if any of the knights who killed Becket lived locally.

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