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Ghosts & Hauntings

'Ghost' throws pint glasses off pub shelves

By T.K. Randall
August 20, 2015 · Comment icon 28 comments

Is there something paranormal at work in the Bassa Villa in Shropshire ? Image Credit:
An unseen force has been caught hurling glassware off the shelves in newly released CCTV footage.
It seems that these days just about every pub in England comes complete with its own resident haunting and the Bassa Villa in Shropshire is no exception.

Owner Nick Bevon, who worked at the pub for years before taking it over five months ago, maintains that he has experienced numerous paranormal occurrences there.

"I've been grabbed on the wrist while working on my own and I've seen figures walk across the bar and wondered if it was just my imagination," he said.

The most notable incident of all however occurred last week when Bevon came in one morning to find a large quantity of glass strewn all over the floor of the pub.
"I just turned up for work on Saturday morning and opened up as usual with the assistant manager when I noticed the smashed glasses on the floor," he said.

Thinking that someone may have broken in during the night he checked the security footage and was astonished to see the glasses falling off the shelves without any apparent intervention.

He even checked the recording from different angles and saw the same thing on all the cameras.

"There was no-one in sight. The place was empty. And they just fall without explanation," he said.

Some of the locals have come to attribute the mysterious occurrence to the ghosts of two children who were said to have drowned during a flood in the building's basement several centuries ago.

Source: Mirror | Comments (28)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #19 Posted by monkeyman2269 9 years ago
Ghost hand lol
Comment icon #20 Posted by ChrLzs 9 years ago
Some of the locals have come to attribute the mysterious occurrence to the ghosts of .. Have they...? Some of the cynical observers are SO sick to death of pubs desperate to drum up business that they will do it from the gutter with lame pranks like this.... I no longer bother giving the videos any hits. If I lived nearby I'd go and give the pub owner a bit of a talking to (and NO business whatsoever).
Comment icon #21 Posted by evp 9 years ago
What a surprise...."A Spirit in a bar!"
Comment icon #22 Posted by TWO OF HEARTS 9 years ago
i would hate cleaning that mess up poor bar employees why smash glass all over their workplace seem illogical unless they're idiots... of course.
Comment icon #23 Posted by ExoPaul 9 years ago
Chalkboard directly above the incident......... "Hi, Thanks for looking!"
Comment icon #24 Posted by highdesert50 9 years ago
I find these "spirited" pub flying glass videos amusing. Ever notice that it is the cheap glasses that tend to fly versus the much more costly bottles or pub tap faucets. Good to know that the spirits are both spirited and frugal.
Comment icon #25 Posted by Shiloh17 9 years ago
I find it even more odd, that the chalkboard says "Hi, thanks for looking!" Like it's saying thanks for looking at the video. Looking at what? A few brands of beer or alcohol?
Comment icon #26 Posted by BeastieRunner 9 years ago
I see a line at 19.
Comment icon #27 Posted by xxxdemonxxx 9 years ago
Ok that's it. I'm a believer now. Nothing says proof like a pub ghost who has a vendetta against pub glasses.
Comment icon #28 Posted by E.McMahon 9 years ago
If you are bothered by unknowns from the 'spirit world' people usually say a prayer asking for some help from God.

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