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Blind man regains sight after being hit by car

By T.K. Randall
February 12, 2020 · Comment icon 18 comments

Doctors have no idea how he was able to regain his sight. Image Credit: sxc.hu
A blind Polish man made headlines recently after a car accident somehow helped him regain his sight.
Janusz Goraj, who hails from the city of Gorzow Wielkopolski, had lost the majority of his eyesight when he was a young man following a severe allergic reaction.

At best he could see only a small amount out of his right eye and was totally blind in his left.

Incredibly however, after being struck by a car back in 2018 while crossing the road, his eyesight started to return, much to the amazement of the doctors who were treating him.
"His eyesight did improve within two weeks," said Agnieszka Wisniewska - a spokesperson for the Independent Public Provincial Hospital of Lubusz Voivodeship.

"We don't quite know what caused it, maybe the mix of drugs he was getting during that time."

Goraj declined to take part in further tests, meaning that the mystery may never be solved.

On the plus side however, he has since gone on to lead an independent life and is now working as a security guard at the very hospital he was at when he regained his eyesight.

Source: Lad Bible | Comments (18)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #9 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
Hmmmm.  So, one Polish website.  Not a medical journal.  and picked up by the Daily Mirror.  Screams credibility. But let's face it, even I as a nonmedico can think of some ways this could happen.  As said above, it's a very selfish person who wouldn't get this investigated properly.
Comment icon #10 Posted by openozy 5 years ago
If I just got my sight back I wouldn't want a bunch of quacks poking and prodding at me just to satisfy their curiosity and risk going blind again,I'd tell them to f off.
Comment icon #11 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
yep, as above, selfish.  Most of the testing procedures are noninvasive, and you have the right to refuse any you don't like. Were you traumatised by a big bad doctor once?  Scared of needles too?  Antivaxxer?  It's all the same selfish principle, the needs of me outweighs you other worthless morons....
Comment icon #12 Posted by Robotic Jew 5 years ago
I'm surprised nobody had thought of this treatment plan before now. 
Comment icon #13 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
This all depends on what sort of meaning there is to the word blind. We often think of it meaning no ability to detect light. There are all sorts of versions of blindness with a range of abilities. Here is an older story https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/8579809/Man-regains-sight-in-eye-after-55-years.html Or this https://mysteriousfacts.com/blind-woman-regains-her-sight-after-getting-hit-on-the-head/ These other cases have explanations. I am wondering about the degree of blindness of the main in question. If it was not as severe as we all might at first guess then the recovery might not... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by jbondo 5 years ago
If this is real, doesn't say much about the "doctors" who've been treating him. Of course, they obviously credit the drugs they were treating him with in order to save face. American doctor: "Seems you have pennies in your eyes sir. What we will do is remove them and it should restore your sight."......"Hey, how come my regular doctors didn't notice this?"
Comment icon #15 Posted by openozy 5 years ago
Oh are they,so you are a doctor now?More like a guinea pig.Not anti vax as I've seen the graves of kids from the old days.You have the right to refuse?Wow you must feel like a rebel, .Back to your hutch.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Festina 5 years ago
The medical industry is corrupt to the core and very nervous at this time.  Most in the the industry have no clue as to what they are a party to, but the hidden hand is altogether another tale.  If the truth were known they would — All Of A Sudden — have a very high rate of Unemployment — along with preachers, politicians, professors, pharmacists, psychiatrists, psychologists, propagandists, pope’s, and “players” of all kinds.      
Comment icon #17 Posted by DavidDownUnder 5 years ago
Yeah, does seem a bit short-sighted of him . . . the blind leading the blind? (I do humbly apologise).
Comment icon #18 Posted by SpaceBumZaphod 5 years ago
Being (low vision blind, 20/200 best corrected, almost total without glasses), I would love to know the secret of his sight recovery. I'm not going to go get hit by a car to find out though. LOL

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