The woman was incredibly lucky not to have been killed. Image Credit: RafaelMousob / Pixabay
The unsuspecting woman got the fright of her life when the rock crashed through her ceiling.
The terrifying incident, which occurred last week in the town of Golden, British Columbia, happened when the woman - Ruth Hamilton - had been sound asleep in her bedroom.
She described how she had awoken suddenly to the sound of her dog barking and the sensation of debris falling on top of her face, which prompted her to leap from her bed in surprise.
After turning on the light, she discovered that there was a hole in the ceiling directly above her bed.
"I've never been so scared in my life," she said.
"I wasn't sure what to do so I called 911 and, when I was speaking with the operator, I flipped over my pillow and saw that a rock had slipped between two pillows."
When the police arrived, it was initially suspected that the rock had come from a nearby building site, however it soon became apparent that it was in fact a meteorite that had fallen from the sky.
She was in fact incredibly lucky - if the space rock had fallen on her head, it could have proven fatal.
"The odds of that happening are so small so I'm pretty grateful to be alive," she said.
A woman from Sylacauga, Alabama was actually injured when hit by one. It was good-sized rock: November 30%2C 1954%2C an,story traveled across the country. If any of you out there are old enough to have watched "GOMER PYLE", the actor that played the goofy, kindhearted marine was Jim Nabors, and Sylacauga was his hometown. To my knowledge, those are the only trivia-worth factoids that ever escaped Sylacauga
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