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Space & Astronomy

James Webb Space Telescope reveals its first images

By T.K. Randall
July 12, 2022 · Comment icon 30 comments
President Joe Biden has unveiled the next-generation space telescope's first deep field images of a distant galaxy cluster.
The most powerful and complex telescope ever launched into space, the James Webb Space Telescope has finally revealed its first view of the cosmos and it is as impressive as we had hoped.

Unveiled by Biden at a special White House event yesterday, the image - known as Webb's First Deep Field - shows a sharp, detailed view of the distant galaxy cluster SMACS 0723.
The patch of sky covered by this view is tiny - equivalent to a grain of sand held at arm's length.

Captured using Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam), the image shows hundreds of distant galaxies as they appeared 4.6 billion years ago and is a composite made up of multiple shots of different wavelengths that were captured over a period of 12.5 hours.

More images from the telescope are expected to be released in the near future.

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Comment icon #21 Posted by L.A.T.1961 2 years ago
The idea of true colour is not straight forward with any images, even a standard mobile phone camera uses filters over a mono imaging cmos/ccd and then the, usually, three filter colours used combined to create a colour image.  How the colours are combined will provide the colour balance seen in the image, many domestic cameras will have a slightly different balance depending on the processing algorithm used.  With the Webb telescope the cameras have been set up to operate at the designed wavelength of the scope for best scientific results, its a research tool first that can have its output ... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by NCC1701 2 years ago
Probably they just shifted the wavelength to visible range, so short wavelength is still blue and red for the longer wavelenght. Just a guess.
Comment icon #23 Posted by and then 2 years ago
Kind of like this:    
Comment icon #24 Posted by taniwha 2 years ago
I wonder if the future is that far away? 
Comment icon #25 Posted by Saru 2 years ago
Perhaps not in our lifetime, but less than 100 years ago the idea of sending humans to the Moon would have also seemed impossible. With the right discoveries and technological advancements, visiting Proxima Centauri will almost certainly be possible in the not-too-distant future.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 2 years ago
  Fair point. But even if we learn to fly at near the speed of light, it will still take us 100,000 years to cross our own galaxy.  So, our technological advancements better be in the realm of the exotic wormhole or even interdimensional travel, otherwise, we'll never make such a journey. It's still nice to dream, though :-) 
Comment icon #27 Posted by jethrofloyd 2 years ago
NASA released a fascinating photo of Jupiter taken by the Webb telescope
Comment icon #28 Posted by razman 2 years ago
Yepper , it seems its all similar or related in some way.
Comment icon #29 Posted by Still Waters 2 years ago
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Comment icon #30 Posted by jethrofloyd 2 years ago
The James Webb telescope recorded CO2 in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet for the first time NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has spotted carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet 700 light years away called WASP-39b. This is the first time the compound has been found in any exoplanet, and the observations also revealed hints of a mystery within the distant world. WASP-39b is huge. It has a mass similar to Saturn’s, and a diameter 1.3 times that of Jupiter. It orbits relatively close to its star, giving it an average temperature around 900°C – the high temperature puff... [More]

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