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World of the Bizarre

Two representatives from a fictional country attended meetings at the UN

By T.K. Randall
March 15, 2023 · Comment icon 7 comments

Kailasa's 'permanent ambassador'. Image Credit: United Nations
Individuals representing the 'United States of Kailasa' reportedly managed to sneak into the United Nations twice last month.
Looking for something new and interesting to do ? Then why not create your own country...

Nithyananda Paramashivam - a self-styled guru from India who is wanted in connection with a number of criminal offenses - declared himself the founder of his own country back in 2020.

The so-called 'United States of Kailasa' doesn't actually exist, but that hasn't stopped Nithyananda from sending his own representatives to attend official meetings at the United Nations.

According to reports, USK officials attended two events - one on February 22nd discussing the representation of women in decision-making systems and a second on February 24th which centered around a discussion on sustainable development.
Footage recorded during the second session showed the representative introducing herself as Vijayapriya Nithyananda, the 'permanent ambassador' of the United States of Kailasa.

She participated in the discussion and provided a written submission, but this was later dismissed by officials on the basis that it "was tangential to the topic at hand."

A similar submission made during the first session was also disregarded.

Suffice to say, it doesn't look as though Kailasa will be obtaining official recognition anytime soon.

Source: BBC News | Comments (7)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by dragon1440 2 years ago
Comment icon #2 Posted by josellama2000 2 years ago
everything on the UN is fictional. They are really living in another planet/dimension
Comment icon #3 Posted by Scholar4Truth 2 years ago
Comment icon #4 Posted by SHaYap 2 years ago
The Delegate of Wakanda will speak now...  ~  
Comment icon #5 Posted by and-then 2 years ago
The UN would only ask questions if this "Kailasa" refused to vote for a resolution condemning Israel.     They'd be investigated doublequick.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Vox 2 years ago
That’s ok. It’s when the delegation from Taured takes their seat that you need to be concerned.
Comment icon #7 Posted by LadyPhoenix 2 years ago
So which of those is the guy?

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