A new documentary series is covering the story of one of the most infamous and mysterious skyjackers in US history.
Although several clues have emerged over the decades, the identity of the hijacker continues to remain a mystery.
A new effort is underway to uncover evidence that could help solve the infamous 50-year-old hijacking case.
A passenger who sat near Cooper during his infamous plane heist has spoken out about his experience.
A hidden code may have finally lifted the lid on the mysterious hijacker known as DB Cooper.
Volunteer detectives have located what could be a critical piece of evidence in the long-running case.
An independent investigation in to the long-running mystery has managed to dig up an important new clue.
Officials have finally admitted defeat after failing to solve the case of a 1971 airline hijacking.
The man who successfully hijacked an airliner in 1971 might have been a missing grocery store manager.