Weighing the equivalent of four elephants, Paraceratherium linxiaense was an absolute monster.
For the first time ever, abnormally short 'dwarf' giraffes have been spotted in Uganda and Namibia.
The last living white giraffe on Earth has been equipped with a GPS tracker to help protect it from poachers.
Rangers in Kenya have solved the mystery of what happened to two of the last few remaining white giraffes.
Being the world's tallest animal, is the giraffe more prone to lightning strikes than other animals ?
The world's tallest animal has suffered a worrying decline in numbers over the last three decades.
A new study has revealed that, contrary to popular belief, there is more than one species of giraffe.
A new study has revealed some of the more unusual diets of those who lived in the doomed Roman city.
Palaeontologists have discovered three new species of dinosaur in Queensland Australia, one of them a predator nicknamed...