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Search results for: giraffe



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Prehistoric rhino was taller than a giraffe

 VIDEO  6-23-2021 | 2

Weighing the equivalent of four elephants, Paraceratherium linxiaense was an absolute monster.

Nature & Environment

Conservationists spot unique 'dwarf' giraffes

 VIDEO  1-10-2021 | 1

For the first time ever, abnormally short 'dwarf' giraffes have been spotted in Uganda and Namibia.

Nature & Environment

World's sole remaining white giraffe gets GPS

11-17-2020 | 3

The last living white giraffe on Earth has been equipped with a GPS tracker to help protect it from poachers.

Nature & Environment

Disappearance of two white giraffes solved

 VIDEO  3-15-2020 | 22

Rangers in Kenya have solved the mystery of what happened to two of the last few remaining white giraffes.

Nature & Environment

Do giraffes often get struck by lightning ?

7-1-2017 | 12

Being the world's tallest animal, is the giraffe more prone to lightning strikes than other animals ?

Nature & Environment

Bleak figures show giraffes face extinction

12-8-2016 | 113

The world's tallest animal has suffered a worrying decline in numbers over the last three decades.

Nature & Environment

There are actually four species of giraffe

9-9-2016 | 6

A new study has revealed that, contrary to popular belief, there is more than one species of giraffe.

Archaeology & History

Pompeii elite ate giraffe and sea urchins

1-5-2014 | 15

A new study has revealed some of the more unusual diets of those who lived in the doomed Roman city.


New dinosaurs found in Australia

7-5-2009 | 5

Palaeontologists have discovered three new species of dinosaur in Queensland Australia, one of them a predator nicknamed...

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