just watched it. Here one can see the original 1933 photo wapo ... or well one of them, right? It says he took more than that? But starting 1934 it already turned into what happens with these things: someone sees sthg interesting and a lot of people try to be funny/interesting and there is your 'myth'. Because frankly to me the first picture looks like some kind of metallic debris?
They are all the Loch Ness Monster. It's just anything anyone sees in the Loch that they cannot themselves identify. I once saw Morag, Nessie's cousin that lives in Loch Morar. It took me quite a few minutes to eventually realise that the large creature I could see thrashing about in the water wsa actually just a rock being washed by waves....
Great first episode Saru……I think maybe a sturgeon but who knows….Having grown up in Scotland and visiting Loch Ness on many occasions…holidays,excursions and just the sheer beauty of the surroundings I always found a certain mystic about the Loch….probably just my imagination idk….on a side note you don’t realise how green Scotland is till you have been away and returned after years away the place is just stunning really…
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