Robotics firm 1X has unveiled its latest creation which looks, moves and acts like a real person.
Around one year ago, an unexplained signal was picked up on monitoring stations around the world.
The groundbreaking spaceflight, which was launched by SpaceX, saw crew members venture out into the void of space.
The human-like shape was spotted far up a cliffside in Long Peaks, Rocky Mountains National Park.
The footage was recently shared online after being filmed over Handan, China back in August.
An extremely strange story out of Argentina this week pertains to an alleged attack by a goblin-like creature.
This fascinating and profound audio piece is literally a musical manifestation of astronomical data.
'Look Into My Eyes' follows several psychic mediums as they provide intimate readings for their clients.
Shreedhara Somanath spoke out on the topic of extraterrestrial life during a recent podcast interview.
The body of the unidentified hiker was found in a cave along the Appalachian Trail back in 1977.
Reflect Orbital is developing a novel new way to generate power by reflecting sunlight onto panels when its dark.
Some very strange and potentially very painful sea creatures have been found along the Gulf Coast.
The ion-laced gelatinous goo was not only able to move the bat around, but was even able to improve over time.
The drone footage appears to show something strange submerged in the water in one corner of the frame.
The iconic house used in the horror classic had been occupied by its original owners since being built in 1979.
The footage shows unexplained lights moving in the night sky through the side window of the cockpit.
A prominent Russian chess player is under criminal investigation following an apparent poisoning attempt.
The ruins of the temple were discovered unexpectedly during the excavation of a synagogue in Israel.
Local residents say that the footprints lead to the deceased man's house and won't wash away with water.
Numbering in their hundreds of thousands, the insects filled the air on a beach in Rhode Island recently.