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Amy Weins

Science and religion: A connection ?

March 27, 2006 | Comment icon 15 comments
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Science is a fact of life. At the same time we must not be ignorant to the existence of our creator. The world had divided itself up into two divisions. One who stem their beliefs only on scientific findings and ones who stem their beliefs on religious doctrine. Very few seek for a connection between the two. They appear to be caught up in proving one another wrong that they are missing the answers that fill in the gaps which are present in both belief systems.There is a branch of science that seems to be putting these two realities into one, that being Quantum Physics. I am uncertain if their intentions are to combined the two,,however there is significant connections between them. For this column I will discuss one of them, which is according to quantum physics and cosmology our present physical form is in existence in another dimension.

They suggest that we are nothing more than energy particles. The source of this energy exists in the dimension that we reflect. Can this finding informs us of what the ancient world was trying to tell us right from the beginning, that we are a reflection of God? Genesis 1:26 says,"Let us make man in our image after our likeness.."Acknowledging our creator and his realm, we know that he dwells in a dimension other than the one we consume. Therefore, the connection that is within the findings of quantum physics and the writings of ancient documents are that our image in our space in time is the likeness(reflection) of our creator in his space in time.The connections between our creator and science are deeply rooted. Not only within quantum physics, in all other branches of science as well. It is worth noting that the word "wisdom" is defined as scientific knowledge. This being said, one can find the word "wisdom" in the texts that make the body of the bible approximately 233 times. Therefore one must ask just how important is it to consume scientific knowledge? The answer can be found in King Solomon's writings in Proverb 4:7"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding."It is safe to speculate that scientific knowledge is very important to obtain. According to the ancient world, science is the most important subject to be educated on. Although the bible is not regarded as a science book there is an abundance of scientific knowledge recorded within its texts.[!gad]Science is a fact of life. At the same time we must not be ignorant to the existence of our creator. The world had divided itself up into two divisions. One who stem their beliefs only on scientific findings and ones who stem their beliefs on religious doctrine. Very few seek for a connection between the two. They appear to be caught up in proving one another wrong that they are missing the answers that fill in the gaps which are present in both belief systems.There is a branch of science that seems to be putting these two realities into one, that being Quantum Physics. I am uncertain if their intentions are to combined the two,,however there is significant connections between them. For this column I will discuss one of them, which is according to quantum physics and cosmology our present physical form is in existence in another dimension.

They suggest that we are nothing more than energy particles. The source of this energy exists in the dimension that we reflect. Can this finding informs us of what the ancient world was trying to tell us right from the beginning, that we are a reflection of God? Genesis 1:26 says,"Let us make man in our image after our likeness.."Acknowledging our creator and his realm, we know that he dwells in a dimension other than the one we consume. Therefore, the connection that is within the findings of quantum physics and the writings of ancient documents are that our image in our space in time is the likeness(reflection) of our creator in his space in time.The connections between our creator and science are deeply rooted. Not only within quantum physics, in all other branches of science as well. It is worth noting that the word "wisdom" is defined as scientific knowledge. This being said, one can find the word "wisdom" in the texts that make the body of the bible approximately 233 times. Therefore one must ask just how important is it to consume scientific knowledge? The answer can be found in King Solomon's writings in Proverb 4:7"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding."It is safe to speculate that scientific knowledge is very important to obtain. According to the ancient world, science is the most important subject to be educated on. Although the bible is not regarded as a science book there is an abundance of scientific knowledge recorded within its texts. Comments (15)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #6 Posted by Bella-Angelique 19 years ago
Yes, Bella -- Ask and you shall receive!! Here's a great quote from Capra's "Tao of Physics" : The cosmic web is alive; it moves and grows and changes continually. ... unification of space and time implies that the being of matter cannot be separated from its activity. ...can therefore only be understood terms of movement, interaction and transformation. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics) A living thing that does not inherantly change in its properties , but can only be understood through its movement, interactions, and transformations of its form. Yes, that does sound very religious an... [More]
Comment icon #7 Posted by pi3141 19 years ago
Oh dear oh dear - yet another potential route in for religious people to claim some link with science. The fact of the matter is that religion and science are utterly opposed - science is concerned only with understanding based upon testable hypothesis and discovery; religion is merely an unmoveable faith based upon nothing more than human wanting and hope. Sure sub atomic physics is a wierd and wonderful area of scientific enquiry but that does not mean there is any room for God - simply more research is required. Im sure lightning seemed pretty God like a few hundred years ago but now, thank... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by Bella-Angelique 19 years ago
religion is merely an unmoveable faith based upon nothing more than human wanting and hope. That you could state that shows that you know nothing about religion or the histories of religions at all. They have done nothing but change for thousands of years now. Religions are sets of beliefs used as starting points to try to comprehend reality beyond that which is easy to comprehend, things of energy and spirit. Science is the son of Religion that had a better formal education and thought he knew more than his father because of this, only to mature and find he has caught up with its father in as... [More]
Comment icon #9 Posted by Scorpius 19 years ago
Words and meanings soon change and if not, new words are given to these new meanings. Building a wall between science and religion only influences us into segregation. Rather then build walls we should build bridges. It's how we learn to understand each other and "fill in the gaps"--Integration. Think of Religion as a stepping stone for science. Without faith or a sense of hope and ambition would our modern-day society be as it is right now. If there were no religions would you feel and think the same way as you do at this very moment?
Comment icon #10 Posted by dnb420 19 years ago
Science is a fact of life. At the same time we must not be ignorant to the existence of our creator. The world had divided itself up into two divisions. One who stem their beliefs only on scientific findings and ones who stem their beliefs on religious doctrine. Very few seek for a connection between the two. They appear to be caught up in proving one another wrong that they are missing the answers that fill in the gaps which are present in both belief systems. It sounds like this was written by an upset Christian. First of all, I don't like how she groups people by either living by science or... [More]
Comment icon #11 Posted by Bella-Angelique 19 years ago
I just think the church is upset about losing more people and popularity. There are those who do not believe in any sort of afterlife who are perhaps more upset that such a thing as a spirit or any form of afterlife might even be considered worthy of study by science. One has only even to compare here the type of posters this original topic seems to have irrtated as shown in their responses at their comfort bubbles being disturbed.
Comment icon #12 Posted by adkchamp 19 years ago
The problem with the church losing people and believers is because their friends and the society that are non-believers, influence them to not be. In that way, lying is then allowed and used to hold secrets with using media to scare people cause they dont believe...a scientist can tell you that "seeing is believing" and that my friends, is true...
Comment icon #13 Posted by Exterminator 19 years ago
Einstein once said- Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. They are connected with each other(atleast i think so). Science is lame without religion because you cannot achieve anything without hope or patience, you know your goal, you know the cause and effect but are not able to do it because you don't have patience or hope. Religion or beliefs can only give you hope. It is just like a person who can see his destination but is unable to walk because he cannot walk. AND religion without science is blind because without science or without aim(science is used as aim ... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by pi3141 19 years ago
That you could state that shows that you know nothing about religion or the histories of religions at all. They have done nothing but change for thousands of years now. Religions are sets of beliefs used as starting points to try to comprehend reality beyond that which is easy to comprehend, things of energy and spirit. What are you talking about - religions hardly change at all - there existence depends upon 'orginal texts' such as the bible / torah etc thats the whole point and hence I often find it ironic that scietnists are referred to as arrogant - theroies and evidence changes but religi... [More]
Comment icon #15 Posted by qkrtjddnr0_0 16 years ago
Einstein is often misquoted to have believed in god. what he calls god is the grandness of the universe or something like that, not a super natural entity. and eastern philosophy is not scientific, because it matches contemporary science. probably only the parts that match has been advertised while the rest is ignored. anyway the method of deriving facts is illogical, which is enough.

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