Creatures, Myths & Legends
Werewolf reported in Brazil
T.K. RandallFebruary 22, 2009 ·
Image Credit: Wikipedia
In a recent report from Brazil a woman claims to have been attacked by a 'werewolf' which scratched her arms and face. This is one of a number of such reports in recent years involving 'werewolf'-like creatures in the region.
[Translated] According to the victim’s account, the creature looked like a big dog. Police is looking for a suspect that may have used a costume to attack the girl. The inhabitants of São Sepé, Rio Grande do Sul, [Brazil] have one more reason to fear Friday the 13th. Besides the bad luck and the strange happenings during the day, a ‘werewolf’ is supposedly at large. One of the possible victims, a 20-year-old, recorded her complaint in the police."
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