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Tiny puppy set to be the world's smallest dog

By T.K. Randall
April 7, 2009 · Comment icon 21 comments

Image Credit: Wikipedia
A chihuahua-Jack Russell cross known as 'Tom Thumb' is set to be the world's smallest dog. Weighing just a few ounces and measuring a third of the size of a guinea pig the tiny dog can comfortably fit inside a teacup.
He is a third of the size of an average guinea pig, and weighs in at just a few ounces - but this tiny puppy could be a big deal when it comes to world records.The miniscule chihuahua-Jack Russell cross - appropriately named Tom Thumb by its owners - is a serious contender for the title of being the smallest dog on the planet.Little Tom was born just three weeks ago as part of a surprise litter to mum Spice, a chihuahua."

Source: Daily Mail | Comments (21)

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Comment icon #12 Posted by Cetacea 16 years ago
Snappy and yappy! Exactly! That one i was talking about was particularly nasty, he would come up and ask for attention and then all of a sudden he would bite! And i mean badly, not just snap, he drew blood on me once- but was promptly punished by our cat lol. She is of the firm conviction only she is allowed to inflict violence on us.
Comment icon #13 Posted by SpIdErCyDe 16 years ago
I think my cat would like him I think the Vietnamese restaurants around here would too.
Comment icon #14 Posted by sarah snow 16 years ago
Comment icon #15 Posted by MoonPrincess 16 years ago
He's so cute! X3 I love puppies. They're so cute when they're babies. 333 *Kidnaps the dog.*
Comment icon #16 Posted by MirrorImage 16 years ago
AWW! I bet I could keep him in the 30 gallon fish tank with my sons hampster and they'd be great pals...wait the hampster might eat him!
Comment icon #17 Posted by Siara 16 years ago
And he is unlikely to get much bigger - with some previous experience of rearing puppies through their early weeks, the couple are convinced that Tom is almost fully grown now. He's three weeks old and they don't think he's going to get much bigger? Is that normal for those breeds? He is adorable. That little tiny dog nose must be the size of a pencil's eraser. It's cute to imagine him doing typical doggy things- defending his territory, lifting his leg, chewing a rawhide. He's smaller than some dog biscuits.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Ghost Ship 16 years ago
Here is the previously smallest dog At 1.4 pounds and 4.9 inches tall, Ducky, a yappy short-coat Chihuahua from Charlton (Massachusetts, USA), holds the Guinness World Record for the world's smallest living dog (by height). Ducky succeeds Danka Kordak of Slovakia, a Chihuahua who measured 5.4 inches tall. The smallest dog ever, according to Guinness, was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier who stood 2.8 inches tall. And just for fun. Here is the worlds smallest cat. It's not a kitten. Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest ... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by Siara 16 years ago
It's so cute that this teeny little dog has exactly the same markings as a rottweiler.
Comment icon #20 Posted by SpIdErCyDe 16 years ago
Git in mah belly!
Comment icon #21 Posted by phantom sheena 16 years ago
He is cute, but sorry to burst anyones bubble, but if he is only three weeks old then he looks the normal size of a three week old puppy. My mum has breed Cocker Spaniels in the past and at three weeks old they are about this size of that puppy, and Cockers do grow to be a bit more bigger than a Jack Russel terrier. I think this dog is still growing and unless he is a badly bred dog or malnourished in anyway he should grow up into a healthy sized Jack Russel Terrier.

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