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Ghosts & Hauntings

The ghost in the outhouse

By T.K. Randall
April 10, 2009 · Comment icon 7 comments

Image Credit: Vanessa Pike-Russell
C Jordan recounts this harrowing tale from his childhood, together with his two brothers he recalls confronting what any child of his age would consider the stuff of terror - the ghost in the outhouse of his grandmother's back yard.
C Jordan: When I was five years old my parents moved the family from our old town of Wigan to a new home in Preston. Both “towns” are in the North-West of England, not far apart, and since those days Preston has become a city. Wigan had been home to our family since at least the middle of the 19thcentury. It is a town that had built its history on coal mining and industry, and the housing at the time of this story, typically, consisted mainly of streets of terraced housing, with the fronts directly onto the pavements."

Source: Authspot | Comments (7)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by sarah snow 16 years ago
Excuse my ignorance, but is that picture that looks like smoke supposed to be the ghost? I love the old industrial towns, it's a fun story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Saru 16 years ago
That's just a stock picture to represent ghostly 'mist' i'd imagine, its not intended to be a real ghost photograph.
Comment icon #3 Posted by sarah snow 16 years ago
That's just a stock picture to represent ghostly 'mist' i'd imagine, its not intended to be a real ghost photograph. Oh phew, cos it had me worried people thought it looked like great great grandpa on the bog
Comment icon #4 Posted by schizoidwoman 16 years ago
Excuse my ignorance, but is that picture that looks like smoke supposed to be the ghost? I love the old industrial towns, it's a fun story My first thought too, glad it isn't the case! My grandad lived in a mining village and used to love telling us spooky stories about the mine and the like. At the time, wee me believed every word but now I think he may've just been trying to scare the grandkids!
Comment icon #5 Posted by sarah snow 16 years ago
My first thought too, glad it isn't the case! My grandad lived in a mining village and used to love telling us spooky stories about the mine and the like. At the time, wee me believed every word but now I think he may've just been trying to scare the grandkids! Grandpas are just so cool aren't they? I adored mine
Comment icon #6 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 16 years ago
I'd be peeved if I was bound to an outhouse. Talk about a whole other Hell altogether. PEW!
Comment icon #7 Posted by SpIdErCyDe 16 years ago
I'd be peeved if I was bound to an outhouse. Talk about a whole other Hell altogether. PEW! Wow, that would be the ultimate karma payback.

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