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The UFO Phenomenon

The Nazi UFO lie

By T.K. Randall
May 12, 2009 · Comment icon 9 comments

Image Credit: stockxpert
Anthony Bragalia puts forward his views on the Nazi UFOs phenomenon, the concept that the Germans developed and flew a number of disc-shaped craft during World War 2. How credible is this claim ?
Anthony Bragalia: A very disturbing theme recurs from time to time in the UFO literature. Some maintain that Nazi scientists had perfected advanced aerial craft including "flying saucers" - both in Germany during WWII and as captured "Paperclip" scientists in the US. This supposed Nazi technology is seen by these "researchers" as the genesis of early man-made UFOs. Even now it is seen by some as the reason for today's state-of-the-art "Dreamland" flying machines- or even as the true cause of the Roswell crash!"

Source: The UFO Iconoclast(s) | Comments (9)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Dayne 16 years ago
I'm a little disappointed in the article. He mentions Joseph Farrell but doesn't address his work. This has always been a way out there theory for me but I'm interested in the specific information.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Shush_rules 16 years ago
what a crap article
Comment icon #3 Posted by Eternal Questions 16 years ago
I happened across this article doing research...first post. I thought that it was insightful and well-written article. Perhaps the commenter above actually believes in Nazi UFOs? The article's author appears to have done his homework in tracing the roots of this belief. He shows how the belief is incorporated even today in many books and websites.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Shush_rules 16 years ago
I happened across this article doing research...first post. I thought that it was insightful and well-written article. Perhaps the commenter above actually believes in Nazi UFOs? The article's author appears to have done his homework in tracing the roots of this belief. He shows how the belief is incorporated even today in many books and websites. Haha yes it was very insightful. I've never read enough about Nazi UFO's to swing my opinion one way or another. I just didn't like how one sided the argument was, its pretty simple. If your disproving something, regardless of how ridiculous it may s... [More]
Comment icon #5 Posted by SincereVisionz 16 years ago
Oh who cares...We all know Hitler WAS an alien...Well at least he looked like one. They probably had UFO technology, America has UFO technology. They stole it from them, we stole it from them. Blah
Comment icon #6 Posted by OldTimeRadio 16 years ago
According to various Internet sources, the Nazis invented the Atomic Bomb, discovered anti-gravity, colonized the Moon, terraformed Antarctica, restored life to the dead and received super-secret weapons from both evil races living inside the Earth and equally-nasty aliens from outer space. So answer me this - how did these birds manage to LOSE World War Two?
Comment icon #7 Posted by Dayne 16 years ago
Didn't you get the memo? They didn't they went covert.
Comment icon #8 Posted by keithisco 16 years ago
Rubbish article written to promote an agenda. By all means have an opinion, but dont then liberally dose it with clearly non-sensical and stupid references to such as the "alien autopsy". People like Werner von Braun should have been imprisoned for the murder of UK citizens with the V1 and V2 rockets - I have never read any accounts of him being contrite about this.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Archer1945 16 years ago
According to various Internet sources, the Nazis invented the Atomic Bomb, discovered anti-gravity, colonized the Moon, terraformed Antarctica, restored life to the dead and received super-secret weapons from both evil races living inside the Earth and equally-nasty aliens from outer space. So answer me this - how did these birds manage to LOSE World War Two? I have to agree with this. Supposedly some of these Nazi saucers were very heavily armed. If that is true then why didn't they tear apart the Allied bombing missions. There were a couple of bombing missions that were shot up badly but the... [More]

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