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Boy chosen by Dalai Lama turns back on Buddhism

By T.K. Randall
June 4, 2009 · Comment icon 30 comments

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A boy chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a spiritual leader has opted to turn his back on the Buddhist order, claiming that he had been taken away from his family and that he had suffered a great deal as a result of him being chosen.
As a toddler, he was put on a throne and worshipped by monks who treated him like a god. But the boy chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnation of a spiritual leader has caused consternation – and some embarrassment – for Tibetan Buddhists by turning his back on the order that had such high hopes for him."

Source: Guardian Unlimited | Comments (30)

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Comment icon #21 Posted by BlackRedLittleDevil 16 years ago
They should learn from the Catholic Church. Pick their leaders when they're 90 years old.
Comment icon #22 Posted by Pol_Pot_Lives_Again 16 years ago
He CHOOSES who is the reincarnate? Ehhh....
Comment icon #23 Posted by __Kratos__ 16 years ago
The irony here is it's roughly the very same exact situation what lead Siddhartha to flee his kingdom to seek a different path in life. The corruption and ignorance faith preaches can never contain the human drive of curiosity and pursuit of knowledge. Not even buddhism is immune from this.
Comment icon #24 Posted by REBEL 16 years ago
lol! this story or report re-appears to be full of sh!t, like the one splashed on the net nov '08 (posted here) claiming a 'Buddha Boy' Reappears in Southern Nepal with no confirmation/back-up by Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)? Wheres Gyatso coming out himself announcing it to the world, i mean you think something this big would have a major announcement by the highe-rarchy realm (Budda leader/s...i see zip quoted by them? Only good part i read was the kid likes listening to Hendrix and doesn't give a flying rats about his status.
Comment icon #25 Posted by LaptopLover 16 years ago
Good for him. There was a show about this where a child was taken to some faraway place away from his guardian because he was the reincarnation of someone. It was quite sad. I think that the parents should not have taken him to that cermony that time.
Comment icon #26 Posted by OldTimeRadio 16 years ago
Didn't Krishnamurti do something very similar back circa 1930? Deny the "godhood" for which he had been carefully groomed?
Comment icon #27 Posted by MysteryVy 16 years ago
On a serious note... I personally believe that there is a significantly large chance that once he experiences the sorrow and anguish of what you people call "normal" and "fun" life and sees how pitiful and despicable many humans can be, he will decide to return to the Buddhist order. And if the news EVer does occur, then I bet all of you will be saying "oh what an idiot, he should have just stayed there in the first place and suck it up." If he does live an enjoyable life with little to no trouble or trauma, then he will have no regret of course. I do think it's good that he experiences what l... [More]
Comment icon #28 Posted by LaptopLover 16 years ago
On a serious note... I personally believe that there is a significantly large chance that once he experiences the sorrow and anguish of what you people call "normal" and "fun" life and sees how pitiful and despicable many humans can be, he will decide to return to the Buddhist order. And if the news EVer does occur, then I bet all of you will be saying "oh what an idiot, he should have just stayed there in the first place and suck it up." If he does live an enjoyable life with little to no trouble or trauma, then he will have no regret of course. I do think it's good that he experiences what l... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by Ginger 16 years ago
I have a very deep understanding of Buddhism. I've studied it for a long time. I have a lot of knowledge of the start and all of the different forums of Buddhism. Some don't know this but there are two main types of Buddhism. Theravada(which is the closest , also called the small raft) and Mahayana(FAR from the Budda's teachings). You also can not understand Buddhism without understanding Hinduism first. For the record, I am not a Buddhist. However, if Buddhism is "true" in the form that the Budda originally "intended" it to be when he was enlightened. We will see more of these "Lama's" turn t... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by Blueguardian 16 years ago
Child celebrities, they never last do they.

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