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Modern Mysteries

Is doomsday coming ?

By T.K. Randall
November 18, 2009 · Comment icon 38 comments

Image Credit: NASA
With the release of Roland Emmerich's "2012" the topic of doomsday or the end of the world is on many people's minds. How likely is it that the world will end in some apocalyptic disaster and if not in 2012 then when ?
NASA said last week that the world was not ending — at least anytime soon. Last year, CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, said the same thing...

Source: New York Times | Comments (38)

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Comment icon #29 Posted by barun.hansdah 15 years ago
if maya said earths rotation would change then they r wrong as scientist have proved earths rotation cant change
Comment icon #30 Posted by barun.hansdah 15 years ago
WOW! People still think about the "end of the world"? Thats REALLY funny. OK lets try something new out, its called logic...... Lets look at the reality of all of this. You see, humans can only read the first part of the sentence and totally ignor that the second part even exists. The world is going to end AS WE KNOW IT!!!!!! Did you see the second part of that? "AS WE KNOW IT!!!!!!" Acording to these frightened rejects the world has ended 3 times already in my lifetime; 1988, January 1st 2000, and May 5th 2000. 2012 will make the 4th time "the world will end". What no one really thinks about ... [More]
Comment icon #31 Posted by zenfahr 15 years ago
your car does not die automatically (tho the car makers would like it to be so) when the speedometer, flips!! it only means you can now sell your car for more money and with less mileage. Its the dawn of a new age of man... thats all.
Comment icon #32 Posted by REBEL 15 years ago With the release of Roland Emmerich's "2012" the topic of doomsday or the end of the world is on many people's minds. How likely is it that the world will end in some apocalyptic disaster and if not in 2012 then when ?"NASA said last week that the world was not ending — at least anytime soon. Last year, CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, said the same thing..." View: Full Article | Source: New York Times That's it, and they got it in the first line too!!...It's all in their minds.
Comment icon #33 Posted by DONTEATUS 15 years ago
The Mind is a very mushy Grey mass of unknown!
Comment icon #34 Posted by the Old Crone 15 years ago
Humanity should find it out to save whatever they can . Here is an interesting site that can give you some of the astrological information on the "Great Galactic Crossing" that the Mayans were discussing. It all has to do with the conjunction of the sun with the center of the galaxy. Because of the procession of the equinox, the stars are seen to change their positions. BTW it is still undetermined wither it is the Earth which wobbles or the entire solar system. This procession moves at the rate of 1 degree of ark of the 360 circle every 72 years of earth ... [More]
Comment icon #35 Posted by the Old Crone 15 years ago
Here is an interesting site that can give you some of the astrological information on the "Great Galactic Crossing" that the Mayans were discussing. It all has to do with the conjunction of the sun with the center of the galaxy. Because of the procession of the equinox, the stars are seen to change their positions. BTW it is still undetermined wither it is the Earth which wobbles or the entire solar system. This procession moves at the rate of 1 degree of ark of the 360 circle every 72 years of earth observational time. The idea that this galactic crossing... [More]
Comment icon #36 Posted by Macrat 15 years ago
That's all good and well..the earth itself is just fine, but what about the Bildebergs (The hidden controlling government) who want to scare us out of our wits so we will accept their demonic NWO and get chips implanted into us. THEY are the ones who contol the weather patterns with H.A.A.R.P and the Blue Beam project is going to make holograms in the sky for all to see..thinking it's the second coming or whatever they want us to believe. THEY are also to blame for all the wars and haterid that has manifested itself on this earth, just so they can make money out of it to satisfy their evil gre... [More]
Comment icon #37 Posted by Susie Salmon 14 years ago
why cant doomnight come?
Comment icon #38 Posted by Thomas Dialante 14 years ago
Let's see the world was going to end in 100AD, 500AD, 1000AD, 1500AD, etc, etc, etc through to 31DEC1999 (NOT the end of the millenium), then 31DEC2000 and 31DEC2001. We're still here gang. Since the end didn't come, a handful of "fruit bats" changed their collective brain (er minds) and came up with 12/21/2012. Now the cute part, most of these folks are very relegious; go to church twice a week, etc. However they choose to believe in a pagan calender; from which they have derived this most recent "end of the world" scenerio; all the while completely overlooking their own Bible . . . "For not ... [More]

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