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Metaphysics & Psychology

Bank robber hypnotized tellers

By T.K. Randall
December 16, 2009 · Comment icon 17 comments

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In a bizarre series of robberies in southern Russia a women has been reportedly hypnotizing bank tellers in to handing over large quantities of money, she is suspected of robbing up to 30 banks using this unusual technique.
Bank robbers have threatened tellers with knives, shot their way into banks and tunnelled up into vaults. But one woman in southern Russia chose a more peaceful method: Police say Galina Korzhova hypnotised a bank teller into handing over tens of thousands of dollars in what is believed to be just one in a series of daring, if non-violent, bank robberies.

Source: Global Post | Comments (17)

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Comment icon #8 Posted by SpiderCyde 15 years ago
Ahh, jedi mind tricks, most impressive.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Voyager10 15 years ago
I though of Derren Brown also, I think this maybe is what I the woman did to the bank teller: Here's a funny clip also:
Comment icon #10 Posted by jbondo 15 years ago
It is said that even under hypnosis you can't be forced to do something you don't want to do. I too thought of Dan Brown. I also believe there is something going on with the Roma woman. I think she has a knack for finding people that are superstitious and also have major problems. She promises to get rid of curses, etc...for a price. She also has an ability to make them mentally more agreeable than usual. Then when the people realize she's done nothing to help them they tell there employer.
Comment icon #11 Posted by ~Onyx~ 15 years ago
Wait just a damn minute, how could she POSSIBLY.... Oh, nevermind.
Comment icon #12 Posted by marabod 15 years ago
The article actually mentions Wolf Messing...he was definitely an enigma, he demonstrated, and had documented his mental abilities, supposedly to even Stalin himself. Messing actually infiltrated a russian military base, via making the officers think he was a senior officer, made his way to Stalin's chambers, could've probably killed him if he wanted to. I read Wolf first made this when he was a boy. He desperately needed to travel by train and had no money to buy a ticket, and was scared when the conductors came in to check the tickets. When asked he found nothing better than to look in the e... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by brlesq1 15 years ago
I'm with you, SW...
Comment icon #14 Posted by cluey 15 years ago
Perhaps she should've used her hypnotic powers on the police... .......the mind is a very powerful tool indeed
Comment icon #15 Posted by Golden Hawk 15 years ago
made his way to Stalin's chambers, could've probably killed him if he wanted to. To bad he didn't kill that meglo-maniac, it would have saved millions of lives. : :angry2:
Comment icon #16 Posted by SpiderCyde 15 years ago
I read Wolf first made this when he was a boy. He desperately needed to travel by train and had no money to buy a ticket, and was scared when the conductors came in to check the tickets. When asked he found nothing better than to look in the eyes of the railway official and show him some old piece of paper from the back pocket. To his surprise the officer punched a whole in his "ticket" and turned to the next passenger. Wolf was so surprised that later started to do similar tricks to known and unknown people just to check if he indeed had some strange talent. I believe in the story of this rob... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by ~Onyx~ 15 years ago
Unfortunatey, the only thing her "hypnotism" will possibly be getting her now is a few more smokes and seconds of salisbury steak on Tuesdays.

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