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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Nick Redfern on alien big cats

By T.K. Randall
December 16, 2009 · Comment icon 6 comments

Image Credit: Wikipedia
For years there have been sightings around the British isles of large predatory cats such as panthers, animals that should not be living in the country and that have been nicknamed "alien big cats" - but what, if anything, is the government doing about it ?
Nick Redfern: Now and again, I get asked if government agencies take an interest in reports of strange creatures roaming the countryside – in much the same way that, for many years, official departents have investigated other forms of anomalous phenomena, such as UFOs. Well, the answer is “Yes,” there have indeed been such studies undertaken.

Source: Mania.com | Comments (6)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 15 years ago
It looks to me as if these mysterious feline beasts were either escapees or released in a foreign setting. Since there's probably less than a handful, they would certainly be elusive. Like many cases where an animal or florae is introduced in a mismatched environment, results don't tend to lean on the positive side.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Paracelse 15 years ago
Eyes of cat or Primeval??? For those who haven't read it, Eyes of Cat is a interesting book by the author of the Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny... Primeval is a BBC series in which occasional portals open and all sorts of creatures appear. :P
Comment icon #3 Posted by stuntboy92 15 years ago
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/images/newsitems/panther.jpg For years there have been sightings around the British isles of large predatory cats such as panthers, animals that should not be living in the country and that have been nicknamed "alien big cats" - but what, if anything, is the government doing about it ?"Nick Redfern: Now and again, I get asked if government agencies take an interest in reports of strange creatures roaming the countryside – in much the same way that, for many years, official departents have investigated other forms of anomalous phenomena, such as UFOs. Well... [More]
Comment icon #4 Posted by TitusQuaeck 15 years ago
Big cats are as common as wild goats. Check out the Forest of Dean, Snowdonia, the new forest... Every self respecting county in the British isles has a big cat stalking the public footpaths, moors and valleys. Means jack. Nothing new
Comment icon #5 Posted by Joey costa 15 years ago
cats are aliens of some sort. but they are from this earth... what does that tell you?
Comment icon #6 Posted by Soupy 15 years ago
I remember the uk army sending out troops to track one that was spotted, they never found anything. Oh and when the article says Alien, it means 'not indigenous' and not from outerspace or another dimension

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