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The UFO Phenomenon

Did Churchill order a UFO cover-up?

By T.K. Randall
August 6, 2010 · Comment icon 27 comments

Image Credit: Imperial War Museum
Newly released files detail how Churchill covered up a WW2 UFO sighting because he feared it would cause panic.
According to the files the encounter involved the crew of an RAF bomber which reported a metallic UFO shadowing their plane, they took numerous photographs of the object as it "hovered noiselessly" nearby. Churchill later covered up the incident believing that if it were to become widely known it could spark mass hysteria and panic.
The former Prime Minister allegedly banned reporting of the “bizarre” incident, off the east coast of England, for half a century amid fears disclosures about unidentified flying objects would create public hysteria.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (27)

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Comment icon #18 Posted by REBEL 14 years ago
he feared public "panic" and loss of faith in religion,... I thought religion *(Vatican/RCC) didn't need UFO coverups to have followers loose faith... They seem to of screwed up nicely in that dept all by themselves. *assuming whom Winnie was referring @ the time
Comment icon #19 Posted by mutationman 14 years ago
So if he ordered the documents sealed for 50 years.. what happens when that 50 year period is up??? also, if pictures were taken..where are they at? Yes i was wondering about that as well. Why release the documents, but not the photos that were taken.
Comment icon #20 Posted by DONTEATUS 14 years ago
Its hard to Say What actually HAppened during this Time in our History with all the stories printed after the facts. But one thing for sure Sir Winston Churchill will always be a Great Man in that History !
Comment icon #21 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 14 years ago
I had to check the byline to see if Dan Brown had recently taken a job at the Daily Mail. This made my day
Comment icon #22 Posted by c87 14 years ago
So if he ordered the documents sealed for 50 years.. what happens when that 50 year period is up??? also, if pictures were taken..where are they at? According to the story published in the Daily Mail yesterday. Churchill ordered them to be covered up for 50 years, and then it was up to the Prime minister at the time to decide what happened next. Obviously this would have been in the 90's during Labours reign. Im guessing this was continued to be kept secret from then on, until now when the Conservatives have allowed them to be released. Not sure what happened to the picture though.
Comment icon #23 Posted by sinewave 14 years ago
This made my day That's good. At I accomplished something yesterday.
Comment icon #24 Posted by Paxus 14 years ago
They had this same story on the news here in Brisbane Australia - So, is this a really big deal now or what? Does this give credence to the actual existance of ET space craft or just that there is a UFO phenomenon?
Comment icon #25 Posted by mcmchugh99 14 years ago
Well, I'd say it's just one more bit of evidence about craft of unknown origin that cannot be acounted for by the known technology of the time. To be sure, governments always wanted to know if these were secret projects, either their own or from the other side. You might even say they were preoccupied with the fear that someone had gotten the jump on them. In World War II, both sides were trying to determine if the enemy had come up with something new, especially because the Germans were well advanced in missiles and jets, and were even experimenting with circular and Delta-shaped craft. After... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by xris 14 years ago
I have just read in our local rag that a Cornish women reported seeing what looked like a saucer shaped air craft in the skies over Cornwall in the 1920s, long before it had been accepted in the mind of the general public. So this phenomena appears to have a longer history than we might believe. BUT why is it so damned elusive? Society may never be capable of accepting a superior alien civilisation. We have destroyed many isolated peoples by imposing our advanced abilities on cultures that have not moved from the hunter gatherer society. Would we feel inadequate and end up like those we conque... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by Dancingtiger 14 years ago
I think considering he felt it would create 'public panic and loss of faith' could have meant he was undergoing that himself in a way. I also think that considering the times, with the war and all the panic already in place with war raid drills, and the propaganda circulated among the allies he might have felt there would be no room for more panic. I also think they would have investigated this intensely, just because of the possibility it was an enemy country force with advanced tech. Knowledge in this respect, is power.

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