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How often do we lie about going to church ?

By T.K. Randall
December 3, 2010 · Comment icon 48 comments

Image Credit: Johann Jaritz
Survey results over 40 years have suggested that up to 22% of Americans lie about going to church.
It is believed that 23% of Americans regularly attend church but when asked about it in a survey up to 45% claim to do so. Philip Brenner of the Institute for Social Research has been taking a look at the results to try and explain this discrepancy.
Brenner plowed through 400 surveys and time diaries across four decades with three quarters of a million respondents in 13 nations to find that Americans exaggerate their church attendance more than anyone else.

Source: USA Today | Comments (48)

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Comment icon #39 Posted by fullywired 14 years ago
A lot of people do that. Of course, sometimes its THEIR wedding and THEIR funeral. Your right, from what I have observed the average Christian goes to church three times in his lifetime ,and on two of the occasions the are carried in, baptism and burial only once do the manage it under their own steam, marriage fullywired
Comment icon #40 Posted by fullywired 14 years ago
The woman whom Catholic priest Gene Jakubek confessed to having had sex with four times in two years insisted they actually had sex twice a month for four years. In fairness to Jakubek, she added that he did give up sex for lent. Just goes to prove he wan't all bad
Comment icon #41 Posted by Dr. D 14 years ago
Just goes to prove he wan't all bad No, only his memory but then I've lost count sometimes.
Comment icon #42 Posted by The Silver Thong 14 years ago
To ask a christian in a christian state if they go to church is a loaded question. It would be like asking people if they mass-terbate and expecting honest answers across the board. That's why I was late for church for cryin out loud.
Comment icon #43 Posted by JGirl 14 years ago
To ask a christian in a christian state if they go to church is a loaded question. It would be like asking people if they mass-terbate and expecting honest answers across the board. That's why I was late for church for cryin out loud. lol sounds like a ****** ad edit to ask why is v iagra a bad word??
Comment icon #44 Posted by The Silver Thong 14 years ago
lol sounds like a ****** ad edit to ask why is v iagra a bad word?? because the V pill brings unwanted spam to the site. However I think when the time comes the v pill and water into wine might come in handy
Comment icon #45 Posted by Paranoid Android 14 years ago
lol sounds like a ****** ad edit to ask why is v iagra a bad word?? *A public community announcement from the friendly Moderating Team - *Unfortunately, large websites such as ours are targeted by filthy little wretches known as "spammers". These spammers are here to make our lives hell, but fortunately they aren't very diverse, and often post the same material over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.... well, you get the point. V*iagra is one of the more common products to be peddled by the filthy spammer bots. Using that word as part of the filter often stops spammers ... [More]
Comment icon #46 Posted by JGirl 14 years ago
*A public community announcement from the friendly Moderating Team - * Unfortunately, large websites such as ours are targeted by filthy little wretches known as "spammers". These spammers are here to make our lives hell, but fortunately they aren't very diverse, and often post the same material over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.... well, you get the point. V*iagra is one of the more common products to be peddled by the filthy spammer bots. Using that word as part of the filter often stops spammers before they have a chance to be a real nuisance to the rest of the ... [More]
Comment icon #47 Posted by Dr. D 14 years ago
because the V pill brings unwanted spam to the site. However I think when the time comes the v pill and water into wine might come in handy It is a bad word. I threw all mine in the toilet. Couldn't get the lid down for three days.
Comment icon #48 Posted by The Silver Thong 14 years ago
It is a bad word. I threw all mine in the toilet. Couldn't get the lid down for three days. I just say screw the pill give me more whine opps wine...

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