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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Manipulating the monster: El Chupacabra

By T.K. Randall
March 29, 2011 · Comment icon 7 comments

Image Credit: PD
Is the legendary goat sucking Chupacabra real or is it just a bizarre social experiment ?
Author Nick Redfern explores the possibility that the Puerto Rican legend of Chupacabra may not be a legendary beast at all, but something even stranger: government social experimentation. Nothing in the story, however, accounts for other tales of Chupacabra, or similar creatures, in other far away countries such as Argentina, Panama and the United States.
Few people, whether they have a deep interest in the realm of Cryptozoology or not, will be unaware of the strange phenomenon known as the Chupacabra: a vampire-like entity rumored to roam the island of Puerto Rico since the 1990s.

Source: Mania.com | Comments (7)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by msm57 14 years ago
Interesting article, makes sense and could be the truth. Sure hope it's not the case (similar story) with other cryptids/monsters that we hear about and look for.
Comment icon #2 Posted by udarsha45 14 years ago
Comment icon #3 Posted by Bad Monkey 14 years ago
Probably the most interesting article I've read on the Chupacabra. The theory brought up is a lot more possible than the original legend, very believable and pretty well written too. Gets my thumbs up.
Comment icon #4 Posted by WHO U KIDDIN 14 years ago
Funny... We just had this discussion on the previous Chupacabra tread about the Radsworth book debunking the creature as mass hysteria produced from watching a 1995 horror flick. Nick Redfern's research validates my point in the previous thread about the PR version being 'genetically modified' Rees Monkeys from a secret research facility. Here's the link to the previous thread: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/viewnews.php?id=202815
Comment icon #5 Posted by Jollymon 14 years ago
I have got to say from my perspective living in south Texas it seems this animal is actually just a poor mange ridden coyote. At least once a year their is a sighting and usually photos or video. They always seem so alarmed, but its always clearly been a coyote with bad mange. The "native population" has a propensity for the paranormal and mystical in south Texas, which is actually one of this regions charms However the chupa-lebra, chabra, or whatever they call it next season seems very normal to me. FYI coyotes will defiantly "suck" on a goat
Comment icon #6 Posted by greywolf 14 years ago
there was a news story a few months ago in the state i live in that a chupacabra had been shot and killed.when it was checked,it turned out to be a large raccoon with the mange.but the pictures of it were scary looking. it did look like a monster.
Comment icon #7 Posted by S.C.I.-P.R.O. 14 years ago
I too have heard the story / theory about a secret research lab in Puerto Rico , that one of their expieriments got loose . The stories have reached the states and discoveries have started happening here . What I heard so far on what's been found is a genedic hybred that's has came about by cross breeding . I.E. wild animals cross breeding with domestic breeds . There are some new interestings stories and pictures on the internet and on programs such as Monster Quest and Paranormal Fact or Faked......

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