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Metaphysics & Psychology

Can meditation boost healing ?

By T.K. Randall
June 9, 2011 · Comment icon 11 comments

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Danny Penman speaks out about how meditation helped him to recover from a horrific leg injury.
Penman had been paragliding when a freak gust of wind sent him hurtling to the ground, sustaining a leg injury that would require multiple major surgeries and a metal frame to put right. But despite the medical expertise and pain-relief drugs available it was through meditation that he managed to cope with his condition.
Meditation is often touted as a panacea for all manner of ailments, from chronic pain to anxiety, stress and even depression. Like most sensible people, I’d always taken such sweeping claims with a large pinch of salt. However, five years ago I learned the power of meditation for myself after an accident left me critically injured and in constant pain.

Source: News Monster | Comments (11)

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Comment icon #2 Posted by Seeker79 14 years ago
Brain scans of monks, show that they use more areas of the brain associated with happiness. I teach children with anger issues and ADD certain meditations and their parents become thrilled with the results. I beleive in about 100 years we will have a conciousness revelution. I think it is just starting.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Trog 14 years ago
May be it's 'The Age of Aquarius' kicking in ?
Comment icon #4 Posted by greywolf 14 years ago
i was just diagnosed with lung cancer and decided to combine standard and holistic methods of treatment. one of the things they encourage is meditation. thanks for posting this.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Paracelse 14 years ago
May be it's 'The Age of Aquarius' kicking in ? Meditations existed way before the age of Aquarius (and worked)
Comment icon #6 Posted by FlyingAngel 14 years ago
I meditate and I can tell that it would make your blood circulation flows fluently, it could cool down your anger easily, make you more harmonic with the environment. I can also tell that it can't destroys virus or bacterias but it can boost your immunity system.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Siddhawarrior 14 years ago
I've been meditating now for the past 5 years and I can tell you I changed big time. I just want to add that mediation is not just about sitting on a zafu cross-legged. There are other types of meditation such as; Yoga, Tai Chi and even in Christianity there's meditation such as, Heychasm (Orthodoxy)and Lectio Divina (Catholicism.
Comment icon #8 Posted by the L 14 years ago
I always want to meditate. Never find time. Family, job, and Im more into sports (gym,swim,football)...I heard some people say : If you dont have time for yourself you will have for doctors. So I diceded that on Autumn I will start yoga classes.
Comment icon #9 Posted by crystal sage 14 years ago
I gather sending absent healing... is a form of meditiation.. and that has been proved to work.. just like the power of prayer... As well as those other visualization healing techniques you get taught in some of those workshops you could also visualize being outside of yourself energetically and laying on hands of healing.. continue until you can actually feel it.. practice physically feeling your energy feel.. tweaking muscles via movements of your hands... fingers..visualizing the contact as you go... trust... feel.. experience...
Comment icon #10 Posted by Mieuwie 14 years ago
I do believe these sort of things can happen.....i've even experienced
Comment icon #11 Posted by meryem 13 years ago
It is truth that meditation does heal human body suffering from different ailments by normalizing our hormone and blood circulation. It brings peace of mind to relax the over stresses mind and body.

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