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Hills' abduction to hit the big screen

By T.K. Randall
September 25, 2011 · Comment icon 354 comments

Image Credit: Unknown
The well known abduction case of Barney and Betty Hill in 1961 is to be made in to a movie.
Film-maker Bryce Zabel is taking the reigns in the hope that it will be the definitive film adaption of the case and will help to solidify the couple's credibility. "Whether one agrees that abductions happen or don't happen in the UFO field, this is an important story because it's the first time the world had its focus brought to bear on the phenomenon at all," he said.
It may be 50 years since Betty and Barney Hill were supposedly abducted by aliens in the White Mountains, New Hampshire, but it is only now that their story is finally due to hit the big screen.

Source: Daily Mail | Comments (354)

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Comment icon #345 Posted by DENNISSTARR 13 years ago
I do not know, we also hear Pilots get fired for speaking out about UFO's, I have to say I am having a hard time finding a single soul that has been subject to such though. Can you prove this is the case? And he did not know it was in Popular Science? Do you think some of these guys might have been fed stories of over importance by their superiors? He, my father, as well as many others in the military, special forces group anyway, explained this protocol. No. He didn't pursue science. Wasn't interested only history. After that blow up, much later, he told me he had components of that system as... [More]
Comment icon #346 Posted by DENNISSTARR 13 years ago
And the bogeyman is in your closet too. Either there or under your bed. And if not there... well, I'm sure he's hiding somewhere and I'd bet the government is behind the whole damn thing! Why not? Is it not plausible that they have had contact with beings who have imparted some knowledge that the government has exploited? Perhaps it is a power thing to hold this stuff back. Knowledge is power. That is what you need knowledge of the existence of UFOs and aliens in order for them to be real to you. So what if these things are actually ours or at least some. You purported that what highly advance... [More]
Comment icon #347 Posted by psyche101 13 years ago
He, my father, as well as many others in the military, special forces group anyway, explained this protocol. No. He didn't pursue science. Wasn't interested only history. After that blow up, much later, he told me he had components of that system as his cargo and flew them into Alaska. As far as the pilots I don't know. He and my uncle were flyers but they were held up in the cargo area and they never told me stories about sightings. My sister served with the RAAF as CISCOM. She never heard anything UFO/ET related either. Perhaps he just might not have realised his cargo was declassified I gue... [More]
Comment icon #348 Posted by DENNISSTARR 13 years ago
My sister served with the RAAF as CISCOM. She never heard anything UFO/ET related either. Perhaps he just might not have realised his cargo was declassified I guess, great job Loadmaster. Must be quite a well respected man. Sounds like he took his position very seriously. I urged my stepson to try out for loadmaster, he got some young girl pregnant instead. On the dole now. Ohh well. Their kid is cute. Thanks. He is. He told me some of his experiences but I'm sure not a lot. Some of the tests they conducted with parachuting equipment out of the plane such as tanks. They tried to figure out how... [More]
Comment icon #349 Posted by psyche101 13 years ago
Thanks. He is. He told me some of his experiences but I'm sure not a lot. Some of the tests they conducted with parachuting equipment out of the plane such as tanks. They tried to figure out how they could drop the equipment out with the crew inside, high extraction and low. They couldn't. I cannot help but think of the A Team movie where they come down in a tank! No disrespect intended, it just happened to be the very first thing that popped into my head. I know this is not possible, but little in that movie is I think. Awesome to watch though. I agree that there are many things we do not kno... [More]
Comment icon #350 Posted by lost_shaman 13 years ago
Thanks. He is. He told me some of his experiences but I'm sure not a lot. Some of the tests they conducted with parachuting equipment out of the plane such as tanks. They tried to figure out how they could drop the equipment out with the crew inside, high extraction and low. They couldn't. Those experiments were carried out at Wright Field. They were not that classified, if I remember* correctly at least one tank landed on someones house. * I mean I've read that, I'm much too young to have even been there.
Comment icon #351 Posted by DENNISSTARR 13 years ago
I cannot help but think of the A Team movie where they come down in a tank! No disrespect intended, it just happened to be the very first thing that popped into my head. I know this is not possible, but little in that movie is I think. Awesome to watch though. I agree that there are many things we do not know, but I think for national security it needs to be this way. It sounds like your father got to see some things the average person did not. An accomplishment in it's own right. But as his own words seem to indicate from the brief snippets that you have shared, his, and the militaries real c... [More]
Comment icon #352 Posted by DENNISSTARR 13 years ago
Those experiments were carried out at Wright Field. They were not that classified, if I remember* correctly at least one tank landed on someones house. * I mean I've read that, I'm much too young to have even been there. Probably why he talked about it. He said they used dummies set up with sensors to see if a human could withstand the g forces. He said if anyone did survive they wouldn't be able to operate the tank. They would be to broken up.
Comment icon #353 Posted by psyche101 13 years ago
That is what I am attempting to explore. Many UFO sightings may and are of terrestrial in origin. Take the the early 70's my father was taking some pictures on the base of the of the hangers and such to show off the the in-laws in England. He wasn't near the classified section of the base. But he was suddenly surrounded by about ten security airmen and an officer grabbed his camera and took the film and told him to move on. He had to think "what was that what did I capture on film?" He after some thought remembered he had caught a portion of a tail of a passing by aircraft. It was t... [More]
Comment icon #354 Posted by DENNISSTARR 13 years ago
Well that is nothing short of awesome, I am hoping you have some inside knowledge that might lead to some forgotten project. I shall keep an eye out to see if you do find anything along these lines, sounds interesting. The SR-71 will always be a favorite of mine. It was groundbreaking. I feel there is a long history associated with our Industrial Revolution, I am pretty confident that whatever we fly, we came up with. Who knows, your Father might have been a secret integral part of this modern world we enjoy! Link - Industrial Revolution. My father also said he flew only one time into Area 51.... [More]

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