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The UFO Phenomenon

Dozens witness strange UFO over Missouri

By T.K. Randall
October 7, 2011 · Comment icon 79 comments

Image Credit: MUFON
Missouri experienced the 8th highest number of UFO reports in the United States last month.
Many reports have described either a triangular or boomerang shaped object, in one incident a large number of witnesses observed one such object when it flew over a traffic jam. One photograph has surfaced allegedly taken of an object in the same region with similar characteristics - but what could it be ?
Apparently the brightly-lit vehicle has been flying low over cars on the highway, and appears to break up into smaller craft. Dozens of witnesses have reported seeing it, boosting Missouri to a "UFO Alert" level 3.

Source: io9 | Comments (79)

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Comment icon #70 Posted by Asphodel 13 years ago
You mentioned earlier that is was later reported to be a some kind of military exercise? Where did hear that? Was it via the official local media? A local alternative radio station interviewed a woman from Missouri MUFON. I'd have to look up her name.
Comment icon #71 Posted by DeMikeDe 13 years ago
I'm not here to argue with you, buddy. Much less over personal things which are in no way relevant here. Got a problem, pm me. Because rampantly off-topic fighting in a site administrator's topic probably isn't the best place to do it. Back on topic, Missouri MUFON did release a press release on November 1st essentially wrapping up the October "flap" of activity. In it, they actually appear to have found credible explanations for some of the sightings, which is always good. Perhaps not unexpectedly, there are also some noteworthy sightings which at the present time defy conventional explanatio... [More]
Comment icon #72 Posted by DONTEATUS 13 years ago
A wave of UFO activity in the center of our country (the USA) should generate more concern in our national security, but Missouri and Kansas are considered low-level places for any possible invasion compared to our coasts, borders and urban areas. You never know what aliens want in our nation's heartland, because the ideal strategy to take over a land (or planet) starts in the middle. YEah we dont have anything worth nuttin in Mo. ! maybe a few B-2`s
Comment icon #73 Posted by Asphodel 13 years ago
Oh come on. You can say that about Kansas all you want, but not Missouri! We have both Kansas City and St. Louis, large metropolitan areas, museums, huge zoos, and sports teams. Aliens would nail Missouri hard. lol
Comment icon #74 Posted by DeMikeDe 13 years ago
LOL, the KOAM corner (Kansas-Oklahoma-Arkansas included) with southern Missouri had seen a real estate boom, increased employment and lower costs of living, and a quality of life to attracted a good number of people from urban areas of New England, Mid-Atlantic states and California. Now I can't be sure UFO activity is related to earthquakes they had in Eastern Oklahoma lately (at 1052PM Central Time, a M5.7 rocked Tulsa/OK City and an earlier tremor 4.6 in 215AM local time), but Missouri does get earthquakes sometimes, most notably in the New Madrid fault.
Comment icon #75 Posted by Kludge808 13 years ago
Boy, I remember the good old days when this was a fairly decent topic about the actual mass UFO sightings over Missouri. I thought it was resolved that it was a mass hallucination brought on by the mothership beaming signals off the swamp gas on Venus. Now it is a phallic measurement contest arguing over unspecific and loosely related content. Too bad. IF it were such a contest I can guarantee I'd lose by a long shot. Er, short shot?
Comment icon #76 Posted by DONTEATUS 13 years ago
On a Long shot Kludge808 the earthquakes in OK, and the South towards Texas are the Aliens digging in for the winter ! We wont see any of them for a few months now ! Its just the way those Alien bugs are ! As for the jest of the Thread ITs just that all Jest !
Comment icon #77 Posted by SAmbag 13 years ago Cool footage from Missouri there
Comment icon #78 Posted by booNyzarC 13 years ago Cool footage from Missouri there Yes, cool footage of airplanes. Yay! ET came to Earth, commandeered some airplanes, and flew them in formation over Missouri. Sneaky aliens!
Comment icon #79 Posted by SAmbag 13 years ago
Yes, cool footage of airplanes. Yay! ET came to Earth, commandeered some airplanes, and flew them in formation over Missouri. Sneaky aliens! I'm glad you also thought it was cool. I didn't take much time to scrutinize those vids so I totally thought it was the same day as the other one in the thread. My bad - or maybe Missouri's bad for being so interesting to aliens.

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