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Space & Astronomy

Mars Rover to undergo complex landing

By T.K. Randall
December 1, 2011 · Comment icon 9 comments

Image Credit: NASA
A nailbiting landing awaits the Curiosity Mars rover once it reaches its destination next year.
Due to its large size and weight the car-sized Curiosity will depend upon a complex series of rocket boosters to slowly decrease its speed as it descends towards the surface. "We call it the 'six-minutes of terror," said the director of NASA's Mars Exploration Program Doug McCuistion. "It is pretty scary, but my confidence level is really high."
With the successful launch of the Mars Science Laboratory on Saturday, NASA can breathe easy -- for a few months anyway.

Source: Discovery News | Comments (9)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by 27vet 13 years ago
This is certainly a challenging landing, 900kg of sensitive equipment. Fingers crossed it goes as planned.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Salt&SulphurStone 13 years ago
The bigger they are... boink
Comment icon #3 Posted by angi chiesa 13 years ago
it sure looks complicated. Hope it works ok.
Comment icon #4 Posted by HawkLord 13 years ago
Well I sure hope they have their numbers right and it succeeds , but I wont be too surprised when it turns out to be the biggest and most expensive scrap heap on mars . Wheeeeeeee....... BOOOOM.... Or maybe if it fails we can always blame it on the martians shooting it down .
Comment icon #5 Posted by DONTEATUS 13 years ago
It will land like a feather ! a quite heavy feather albeit ! Would Love to see the decent staages in real time and the un-veiling!
Comment icon #6 Posted by Hazzard 13 years ago
This is going to be awesome,... Good luck to everyone involved/interested in this mission.
Comment icon #7 Posted by and then 13 years ago
If it works I'll be VERY IMPRESSED and,I suspect, so will they!
Comment icon #8 Posted by 27vet 13 years ago
This is going to be awesome,... Good luck to everyone involved/interested in this mission. Maybe they will find exhibit A.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Earthling70 13 years ago
Let's hope that the complex jet pack system works out fine and that the touchdown on the surface of Mars will be successful! Looking forward to the arrival next August.

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