Nature & Environment
30 giant Japanese hornets kill 30,000 bees
T.K. RandallJanuary 14, 2012 ·
Image Credit: CC 2.1 Kenpei
A new documentary shows footage of the massacre of 30,000 bees at the hands of just 30 giant hornets.
The incredible video details the struggle between European honey bees and a small group of giant Japanese hornets, without an adequate defence against their much larger counterparts the bees are helpless to defend their hive. The hornets are thought to have reached Europe in 2004 after hitching a ride to France on cargo transported from China.
Tens of thousands are dead, hundreds more of the dying lie writhing on the battlefield, powerless to protect their children. These horrifying and yet fascinating scenes are the highlights of a three-hour battle between just 30 giant Japanese hornets and 30,000 European honeybees.
Daily Mail |
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