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Grant Wilson to leave Ghost Hunters

By T.K. Randall
February 17, 2012 · Comment icon 67 comments

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TAPS co-founder Grant Wilson has announced that he will be leaving Ghost Hunters in May this year.
"While paranormal investigating has always been and will remain a passion for me, after enjoying nearly eight successful seasons on television, I have made the decision to leave the series in order to focus on other aspects of my personal life," he said in a statement. "I will deeply miss working with Jason and the rest of the dedicated investigators and crew that have become like family, and I wish them all the best as they continue to follow their passion and realize the vision of TAPS."
Wilson's announcement on Wednesday's episode delivered 2. 2 million viewers - the show's biggest audience in 15 months, according to Entertainment Weekly.

Source: Seattle Pi | Comments (67)

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Comment icon #58 Posted by Greeneyes48 13 years ago
I'll admit Josh Gates was the most entertaining, yet he tackled every case with energetic undisguised tongue-in-cheek scepticism ... "Today, we are looking for monsters... yeeaahh..." [/quote Hi. I have watched Taps from the beginning missing very few episodes, I have never thought it was faked. I have read some of these posts and am reading faked. I know its just a show, but I started watching it because of experiences I had as a young girl to adult. Its real for me and I thought because of what Jason and grant both experienced as children is why they started Taps in the first place. My heart... [More]
Comment icon #59 Posted by Sakari 13 years ago
I'll admit Josh Gates was the most entertaining, yet he tackled every case with energetic undisguised tongue-in-cheek scepticism ... "Today, we are looking for monsters... yeeaahh..." [/quote Hi. I have watched Taps from the beginning missing very few episodes, I have never thought it was faked. I have read some of these posts and am reading faked. I know its just a show, but I started watching it because of experiences I had as a young girl to adult. Its real for me and I thought because of what Jason and grant both experienced as children is why they started Taps in the first place. My heart... [More]
Comment icon #60 Posted by Clyde the Glyde 13 years ago
After watching last night's GHI episodes, I see Grant is already doing promos hypeing-up his last episodes and him leaving. So he ( or SYFY ) is milking this for all it's worth.
Comment icon #61 Posted by mattryan209 13 years ago
I think the producers of the show had Grant do most of the fakery,because appearance and demeanor wise he seems like a really nice,honest,and genuine guy. The show probably thought people would more likely believe something if it happened to him instead of Jason.I'm betting the producers and Jason had a serious talk with Grant concerning ratings and he got suckered into faking things a little but here,a little bit there until things get out of control.I've seen the videos on youtube where it shows that he does a lot more faking that just the jacketpull. The thing is when you have a person who ... [More]
Comment icon #62 Posted by Sakari 13 years ago
I think the producers of the show had Grant do most of the fakery,because appearance and demeanor wise he seems like a really nice,honest,and genuine guy. The show probably thought people would more likely believe something if it happened to him instead of Jason.I'm betting the producers and Jason had a serious talk with Grant concerning ratings and he got suckered into faking things a little but here,a little bit there until things get out of control.I've seen the videos on youtube where it shows that he does a lot more faking that just the jacketpull. The thing is when you have a person who ... [More]
Comment icon #63 Posted by Ecto76 13 years ago
I just think he's jumping ship before the "Captain" brings the ship down? People take this show and many other shows way too seriously. What is on TV is for pure entertainment purposes only. I've met and worked with "Ghost Hunters" and "Paranormal State". They are not the people they lead people to believe who they are on TV.
Comment icon #64 Posted by mattryan209 13 years ago
Break away man, break away I haven't watched Ghost Hunters since they first began and were looking in peoples homes trying to "help" people find whats the source of unexplained things happening in their homes.Back then they actually did seem to have a least a modicum of honesty. At first,both Grant and Jason seemed to have honest and direct motives coming from a skeptical point of view. I have probably watched only about 10 videos of Ghost Hunters total with most being in the early days,and I remember them either not finding anything in the homeowners house,or suggesting a possibility though n... [More]
Comment icon #65 Posted by Sakari 13 years ago
I haven't watched Ghost Hunters since they first began and were looking in peoples homes trying to "help" people find whats the source of unexplained things happening in their homes.Back then they actually did seem to have a least a modicum of honesty. At first,both Grant and Jason seemed to have honest and direct motives coming from a skeptical point of view. I have probably watched only about 10 videos of Ghost Hunters total with most being in the early days,and I remember them either not finding anything in the homeowners house,or suggesting a possibility though no certainty. Quite frankly ... [More]
Comment icon #66 Posted by mattryan209 13 years ago
The Black The Red This baffling phenomenon is called enabling, which takes many forms, all of which have the same effect -- allowing the subject to avoid the consequences of his actions. This in turn allows the subject to continue merrily along his (or her) lying ways, secure in the knowledge that no matter how much they screw up, somebody will always be there to rescue them from their mistakes. Smile, I am half joking with you....... No worries I can take jokes.I'm still going to make a defense of that statement because I'm bored That part does appear to look like I'm defending Ghost hunters ... [More]
Comment icon #67 Posted by Rafterman 12 years ago
Just watched Grant's final episode last night - been on my DVR for a few weeks. A quick comment - doesn't the fact that they investigated their own haunted inn somewhat invalidate the entire investigation? You know, the haunted inn that they bought to turn into a "haunted tourist attraction"?

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