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US Army requests 'magic bullets'

By T.K. Randall
April 29, 2012 · Comment icon 27 comments

Image Credit: US Army
Companies are being tasked with developing a bullet that can float around waiting for its target.
Described as a 'Nonlethal Warhead for Miniature Organic Precision Munitions', the concept has been put forward as part of the 'Small Business Innovation Research' program which lets companies develop products in exchange for a commercial deal. The manufacturer AeroVironment is currently providing soldiers with a kamikaze robot drone that hovers around before divebombing and exploding on its target, the devices are being used as a way to help stop suspected militants in the Middle-East.
It sounds like something from a science fiction film, but soon, a ‘magic bullet’ that floats around in the air waiting for its target could become science fact. This far-fetched sounding piece of ammunition isn’t designed to kill, though.

Source: Daily Mail | Comments (27)

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Comment icon #18 Posted by sestra15 13 years ago
What was that movie with Tom Selleck where bullets could be programmed for their victims.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Atlantia 13 years ago
What was that movie with Tom Selleck where bullets could be programmed for their victims. That was "Runaway" 1984.
Comment icon #20 Posted by catfishyeah 13 years ago
Magic bullets? Could it be that the Nox Nyctores Bolverk is real? That must mean that Yukianesa is real also! I gotta spread the news!
Comment icon #21 Posted by DieChecker 13 years ago
The article does not say how the "bullets" are going to "hang around". The article implies that it might use the same type system as the kamakazi drone does, if so, then it is also a kamakazi drone and not a bullet. Bullets are not self propeled, and thus are subject to gravity and fall very quickly to Earth.
Comment icon #22 Posted by Shayde 13 years ago
I do hope this is some sort of practical joke. Okay, I'm fully aware that elements of the US Department of Defence do have a "thing" for exotic weaponary, but this is going too far, surely? Tell me this sort of technical suggestion isn't being made by a man who is also trying to sell the military special beans that grow very fast.... Now, not entirely sure just how such bullets like this would fubnction, but do have a vision of when these high-tech lumps of ordanance are fired, of seeing bullets floating around waiting for a target that's a bit late for combat. Might we even see a bullet, with... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by catfishyeah 13 years ago
Yeah, I hear you, to many casualties possible. But where would the fun and skill in war go if this did happen? It would be way too easy to do that. Seriously people, yeah magic and psychics are cool, but it doesn't mean we should use it to cheat. In my opinion, we should just scrap guns and go back to the way things use to be. All swords and bows (magic to, if it's real as I believe it is). It would solve a lot of problems with the Ozone Layer, and it shows the true fun and skill in war.
Comment icon #24 Posted by and then 13 years ago
The article does not say how the "bullets" are going to "hang around". The article implies that it might use the same type system as the kamakazi drone does, if so, then it is also a kamakazi drone and not a bullet. Bullets are not self propeled, and thus are subject to gravity and fall very quickly to Earth. I still don't understand nor can I envision the system they are talking about for this very reason. I've done a little Service Rifle competition and it's amazing what a truly skilled individual can do with the right equipment - in almost any conditions - but this sounds like a physical im... [More]
Comment icon #25 Posted by Mikami 13 years ago
hahahahaha....god thats funny, just imagine seeing one waiting for somebody...also at first glance i thought AeroVironment, said aerovomit...
Comment icon #26 Posted by MindfieldzX 13 years ago
I request you flap your arms like a bird until you reach a altitude of no less than 10,000 feet. Preposterous ? It isn't far fetched, I would propose the bullets being held into place by strong magnetic fields ,and the weapon would work by when a target is spotted the entire apparatus that is forcing the bullet to 'hover', is able to shift the intensity of the magnetic fields dramatically and would gain momentum through this means. The whole non-lethal part? Yea,whatever bro lulz This shows off some serious energy and why I don't think its far fetched. magnets will power this weapon, its the s... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by DieChecker 13 years ago
I doubt DARPA can magnetically levitate or quantum lock a lead bullet after it has been fired from a gun in a non-labratory environment. The only magnetic field available would be the Earth's own magnetic field, which is not strong enough to lift even a tiny object, like a steel needle, even a millimeter above the ground, much less hover a non-ferrous bullet a dozen to a hundred yards above the earth. What you are suggesting Mindfieldz is simply another type of propulsion/firing mechanism. It is not a system to hover a projectile above a battlefield.

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