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Gene therapy extends mouse lifespan by 24%

By T.K. Randall
May 19, 2012 · Comment icon 19 comments

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Scientists have been able to use a single treatment of gene therapy to extend the life of a mouse.
The research is a first in longevity research as it both works on mammals and can be applied without requiring manipulation of the genes at the embryonic stage. The method involves inducing cells to express telomerase, an enzyme that can slow down the biological clock.

The treatment not only extends lifespan but also results in a significant reduction in age-related ailments such as osteoporosis. While not yet ready for use in humans, the research indicates that the treatment is safe and feasible as a potential future treatment to slow down the aging process.
A new study consisting of inducing cells to express telomerase, the enzyme which -- metaphorically -- slows down the biological clock -- was successful. The research provides a "proof-of-principle" that this "feasible and safe" approach can effectively "improve health span. "

Source: Science Daily | Comments (19)

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Comment icon #10 Posted by Mr Right Wing 13 years ago
Mr Right Wing, Cool. Thanks for links. Anyone hear about cordyceps sinensis? Maybe between gene therapy & Cordyceps sinensis this could be feasible. but still many more studies are needed to scientifically validate cordy values. Link all about cordy.s http://www.pharmaceu...chapter IJM.pdf Monster energy drinks contain L-Carnitine which has been shown to increase lifespan
Comment icon #11 Posted by shaddow134 13 years ago
I would assume that as the worlds population continues to grow,that this treatment if it is ever made risk free.The cost of this treatment will be so expensive that only the rich will have access to it.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Spid3rCyd3 13 years ago
So would I. The main problem I would have if I were to be effectively immortal would be that I would undoubtedly procrastinate about everything. Why do today what you can put off till tommorw. I wonder, if people did live to be 1,000 years or more, what would the population consequences be? They'd have to make some kind of deal for those who want the extended life span. Maybe only 1 kid, or possibly give up the ability to have kids at all. I could see world government dictating that pretty easily.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Mr Right Wing 13 years ago
They'd have to make some kind of deal for those who want the extended life span. Maybe only 1 kid, or possibly give up the ability to have kids at all. I could see world government dictating that pretty easily. There is no overpopualtion problem and the way some people latch onto it is bizarre. Every century we have reached the population limit for our level of development and the response was we raised our level of development. Farming, fertilizer, tractors, selective breeding and growing of crops have allowed for 6.5 billion people. Wanting to limit our population would be dangerous as our r... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by Bavarian Raven 13 years ago
e could have 250 billion on this planet easy using current technology. with limitied resources, honestly, i would be surprised if we could reach 20 billion. but the question we have to ask ourselves is, do we want to live on a planet with that many people.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Spid3rCyd3 13 years ago
with limitied resources, honestly, i would be surprised if we could reach 20 billion. but the question we have to ask ourselves is, do we want to live on a planet with that many people. Yeah, I think I'll pass on that.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Gukumatz1 13 years ago
"Whey protein is found in whole milk, eggs, gym muscle build and in cheese. It extends lifespan but about 50%. (We'll call that 220 years) " Only the gullible would believe's like the adverts when they show you a picture of a fat slob 6 weeks later he's ripped to the bone and looks 10 years younger because he's been on the Whey protein.
Comment icon #17 Posted by Erudite Celt 13 years ago
That's just dandy, all the human race need's are escaped rodents that can live and breed 24% longer! Also what is the point in extending the Human lifespan by 24%? Are we capable of feeding the worlds burgeoning population as it presently stands? What sort of consequences would unfold in such a world? What if the lifespan of Stalin had extended into the late seventies?
Comment icon #18 Posted by Mr Right Wing 13 years ago
"Whey protein is found in whole milk, eggs, gym muscle build and in cheese. It extends lifespan but about 50%. (We'll call that 220 years) " Only the gullible would believe's like the adverts when they show you a picture of a fat slob 6 weeks later he's ripped to the bone and looks 10 years younger because he's been on the Whey protein. Sorry have I indicated that its a gym which is claiming that or that its come from scientific research? Whey protein is high quality and therefore doesnt damage cells when its metabolised.
Comment icon #19 Posted by joenhaggrity 13 years ago
There is no overpopualtion problem and the way some people latch onto it is bizarre. Every century we have reached the population limit for our level of development and the response was we raised our level of development. Farming, fertilizer, tractors, selective breeding and growing of crops have allowed for 6.5 billion people. Wanting to limit our population would be dangerous as our rivals wont. They will simply apply technology and invest in research to raise their development level further leaving us in the stone age. Its almost like no forward thinking occurs anymore causing people to bel... [More]

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