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Students film 'Bigfoot' in Idaho woods

By T.K. Randall
June 1, 2012 · Comment icon 78 comments

Image Credit: Youtube
Footage has surfaced of a large dark figure filmed in woodland by students on a school project.
The students were on a field trip in Franklin County when they reported seeing a dark figure watching them from a nearby ridge. "It just didn't look human like," said one of the group. "I don't know what that is, it's not a bear, it's not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black."

Fortunately someone had brought a camera along and was able to record footage of the incident, the students also climbed up on the ridge and photographed large footprints at the same location.
What appears to be a large dark figure disappearing into the brush and trees on a hillside near the West Fork of Mink Creek was captured on a brief video clip made by Pocatello students recently.

Source: Idaho State Journal | Comments (78)

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Comment icon #69 Posted by greywolf 13 years ago
Reply to QuiteContrary, if she would shave her beard off she might look female. i don't think she teaches at Idaho State,and the reason is, she can't spell Idaho. i have noticed her putting her feet in a tub of plaster, and after her prints dry, she paints the toenails on them, so even though she/him does'nt fit the criteria, i still think you're right. it has to be her!
Comment icon #70 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
Reply to QuiteContrary, if she would shave her beard off she might look female. i don't think she teaches at Idaho State,and the reason is, she can't spell Idaho. i have noticed her putting her feet in a tub of plaster, and after her prints dry, she paints the toenails on them, so even though she/him does'nt fit the criteria, i still think you're right. it has to be her! Ahhh! Bigfoot bait. Nail polish. I'm pretty sure that has been tried somewhere, but the foots drank it. Silly foots.
Comment icon #71 Posted by IndianPrincess 13 years ago
Big Foot is my husband. Yes, we fell in love right after he took a huge chunk out of my neck. You may call me Mrs. Big Foot. Seriously?! Big Foot? You know, I really do mean what I say. I really do eat stupid people for breakfast! And, it's close to midnight here so I could use a midnight snack! Close enough in the morning for me! Now, on a lesser rude note.... Please people, use your minds. Big Foot is not real. Big Foot does not hide out in Ohio, Idaho, or other wise. Now unless you wanna talk about Nessie. You know? The "Lock Ness" monster! She's my grandma! She's a smelly wet hag. Seriousl... [More]
Comment icon #72 Posted by IndianPrincess 13 years ago
Yes it was a loaded question in order to point you in the right direction. Since we know almost nothing about Bigfoot if it exists, we have no choice but to compare what little we know about it to animals in the same habitat that we do know about. That's what you do when comparing species. Actually it does. It's a consequence of the law of natural selection. Animals must be able to eat whatever food sources are available to survive. During the winter there are surprisingly few sources of food in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Do some camping and hiking here during the winter and you'll ... [More]
Comment icon #73 Posted by IndianPrincess 13 years ago
I don't think it's Bigfoot, I think it's my mother in law. I told her to quit running around in the woods or a bunch of high school kids would take her picture. I was right. LMAO!!! OOOOHHHH That was rich!!! Thank you for the laugh! I think I'll like you just fine! You have the same perspective as I. I too think it's my "Ex" Mother in law! But, she packs nuts in her cheeks. The cheeks look puffy to you?
Comment icon #74 Posted by IndianPrincess 13 years ago
I think we have a winner! Btw, does she look like a man and teach at Idaho State University and collect bigfoot casts? I've suspected her/him all along. Bingo! Exactly my conclusion !!!! Even though I still say it could have been my Ex Mother In Law. But, I didn't see puffy cheeks. She packs nuts in her cheeks. And, keep your mind outta the gutter! I mean she's got cheeks like a squirrel! No joking matter. It's actually quite disgusting to watch her eat. It's like you want to scream "SWALLOW SWALLOW"!! or, "What?! Are you Packing them cheeks for winter already? Is it too close to winter alread... [More]
Comment icon #75 Posted by Ninhursag 13 years ago
Looks Like Donkey Kong To Me ..
Comment icon #76 Posted by Hugo Stiglitz 13 years ago
not enough to see what it is!
Comment icon #77 Posted by ParaQuest 13 years ago
I can see a face in that picture
Comment icon #78 Posted by Neognosis 13 years ago
Bigfoot once took a photo of ME.

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