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Modern Mysteries

Is the moon an artificial structure ?

By T.K. Randall
December 19, 2013 · Comment icon 51 comments

Some say that the moon is not what it appears to be. Image Credit: CC BY-2.0 Jason Bache
Alternative theories about the nature and origins of the moon have been circulating for decades.
There are still many mysteries surrounding our lunar neighbor, not least of which being the exact mechanism through which it came in to being. While most scientists favor conventional formation theories, there are a few people who believe that the moon is not quite what it seems.

One of the most controversial discoveries came during the Apollo 12 mission when NASA conducted an experiment that involved impacting an object on the surface and then measuring the resulting seismic waves.
Oddly, the vibrations seemed to continue for up to an hour, a fact that was later interpreted by some as evidence that the moon was actually a hollow sphere. The 'hollow moon' idea suggests that the moon was either constructed by an advanced human civilization that existed long ago or that it was built by extraterrestrials, however there is little evidence to support either theory.

Scientists concluded that the unusual seismic readings could be put down to the lack of moisture in the moon's rocks while astronomer Suniti Karunatillake also pointed out that if the moon was indeed hollow then it would possess insufficient mass to produce the gravitational pull that we see today.

Other so-called 'artificial moon' anomalies include observations of convex as oppose to concave craters ( believed to be formed by magma ), the fact that the moon stabilizes the Earth's wobble and the fact that the moon's size and the sun's distance are just right to produce a perfect total solar eclipse.

Source: The Epoch Times | Comments (51)

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Comment icon #42 Posted by scowl 11 years ago
The Moon and the relationship that it has with the Earth is pretty mysterious in of itself, and in my humble opinion contributes to the belief that our Earth has had a helping hand from an outside influencer with regards to it being a hospitable enough place for life to exist. I'm not saying that the moon is artificial, but perhaps it is of a grand design and placed exactly where a grand designed intended for it to be? Or one random planet somewhere in the galaxy just happened to get a large satellite that helped life on it. And that's why we're here instead of someplace else.
Comment icon #43 Posted by DieChecker 11 years ago
Hasn't science found that the Moon used to be much closer? And that it is going to keep moving out? Eventually there will be no total solar eclipses. And in the past, the eclipses would have covered a much larger percenage of the planet. Is it then not cooincidence that right now it appears to be the same size as the disc of the Sun?
Comment icon #44 Posted by Somethings Not Right 11 years ago
M O O N... That spells MOON!!! For those not in the know..... The dumb bloke from Stephen King's "THE STAND"
Comment icon #45 Posted by stereologist 11 years ago
well the moon being just the right distance from the earth and the sun as to produce a perfect solar eclipse; that's just a coincidence, the moon is moving away from us very slowly and eventually will detach from earth's gravitational grasp and float out into deep space (or impact another planet/take up orbit elsewhere) so in the future before this happens, it will be too perceptively small to create a perfect solar eclipse. The rate at which the Moon moves away from the Earth is related to the transfer of momentum from the Earth to the Moon. As the Moon moves away from the Earth that transfer... [More]
Comment icon #46 Posted by Hartmut 11 years ago
Yes, the Moon is indeed an artificial structure and hollow. The Moon is also made of Cheese and once we have exhausted all of our food supplies the moon-cheese will feed us for many, many years to come.
Comment icon #47 Posted by Frank Merton 11 years ago
The solar system will be a dangerous place if the moon escapes earth's gravity a few billion years from now as it could then swing around and hit the earth. Of course by then the sun will be acting up and all sorts of things will already have gone wrong.
Comment icon #48 Posted by ReaperS_ParadoX 11 years ago
If the Moon is hollow, the surface would be to be quite dense to withstand the meteor impacts and create the gravity it does have. Have you ever seen astronauts jump up and down on the moon? it has very little gravity keeping them planted to its surface
Comment icon #49 Posted by lightly 11 years ago
nah. But it's amazing , to me, that the Moon appears the same size , to us, as the Sun. Sometimes there seems to be too many coincidences to be a coincidence,, ya know?
Comment icon #50 Posted by Rlyeh 11 years ago
well the moon being just the right distance from the earth and the sun as to produce a perfect solar eclipse; that's just a coincidence, the moon is moving away from us very slowly and eventually will detach from earth's gravitational grasp and float out into deep space (or impact another planet/take up orbit elsewhere) so in the future before this happens, it will be too perceptively small to create a perfect solar eclipse. According to NASA this won't happen, even if the sun doesn't destroy the earth the moon will always remain in earth's orbit.
Comment icon #51 Posted by Harte 11 years ago
Yeah, no. That fellow is trying to define skepticism in such a way as to benefit his own beliefs. A true skeptic partitions his beliefs to the evidence. If there evidence for the claim? If so, then it's worth believing, if there is not, then it is not. In the case of the moon being artificial, is there real evidence for it being so? No. Is it possible? Sure, but it's also possible that I have a invisible garage attached to me home within which an invisible dragon that eats raw noodles hides. Obviously impossible because dragons eat only cooked noodles. Sure, they may ingest them raw, but by th... [More]

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