Snake-handling preacher dies of snake bite
T.K. RandallFebruary 17, 2014 ·
The snakes were handled as part of church services. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Aaron Goodwin
Pastor Jamie Coots is believed to have died after being bitten on the right hand by a rattlesnake.
Coots had become a well known figure due to his appearances on the National Geographic show "Snake Salvation" which focused on exploring the unusual snake handling practices at his church in Bell County.
According to a report from Middlesboro Police, Coots was bitten on the hand during a service on Sunday night and was found dead in his home at around 10pm after refusing to accept medical assistance.
The experienced snake handler had believed strongly in his use of the animals and often insisted that he could never be bitten as long as he still possessed the power of God.
"We use them in religious ceremonies and I believe as for me, if I don't have them there to use I'm not obeying the word of God," he once said.
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Jamie Coots, Snake
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