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Ghosts & Hauntings

Toxic mold may cause sightings of ghosts

By T.K. Randall
April 3, 2015 · Comment icon 33 comments

Could poor air quality generate ghost sightings ? Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Thomas Geersing
Scientists believe that poor air quality may be a contributing factor in reports of the paranormal.
Tales of ghosts and spirits are perhaps the most enduring of all unexplained mysteries, having been a staple part of cultures all around the world for thousands of years.

Now however a new study by researchers at Clarkson University in New York may be able to shed some light on the phenomenon thanks to the discovery of a possible link between supernatural encounters and the toxic effects of some types of mold spores when they are inadvertently breathed in.
The team found that many paranormal experiences are very similar to the hallucinogenic effects of the spores which can cause significant mental or neurological symptoms.

"Hauntings are often reported in older-built structures that may also suffer poor air quality," said civil and environmental engineer Shane Rogers. "Similarly, some people have reported depression, anxiety and other effects from exposure to biological pollutants in indoor air."

While the discovery is unlikely to explain every ghost sighting and paranormal encounter it does offer an intriguing alternative explanation that could account for at least some of those cases.

Source: Mirror | Comments (33)

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Comment icon #24 Posted by beelzebufo 10 years ago
This could explain some ghost sightings. But what about the ones when multiple people see and hear the same thing?
Comment icon #25 Posted by Stubbly_Dooright 10 years ago
But it does of explain ghosts outside of buildings or new buildings Yeah, I was in a car, a great and wonderful car, when I experienced the walking teenage blond headed ghost. No mold in sight! Toxic mold can exist outside of buildings, so yes it can explain outdoor sightings. Newer buildings however, are harder to explain, but then again I haven't heard of too many hauntings in newer buildings. I have, but I digres............... lol, this is funny. Want those hairs on the back of your neck to stand up, want chills to accompany that? Sniff some good ole fashioned mold! You heard it folks. Naa... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
There are a couple possibilities. Using of "mirrors". In old Egypt and Greece was used a cup of oil for concentration of mind for example. Meditation about a name. Good is thinking on the name when you breath in - inhale name. Meditation before sleep and some others techniques. No drugs are needed. See translantion old texts, are free on net. Out of legitimate curiosity I'd love a link or two to some of these translations. I wouldn't know where to begin googling the above lit.
Comment icon #27 Posted by mfluder 10 years ago
Sorry, can't buy this theory. While I suppose it would be possible for someone who lived or worked in a structure for a long period of time to develop hallucinations due to exposure to toxic molds or fungus, wouldn't they then also have those same symptoms away from the supposedly "haunted" location? Also, as I understand it, most of the toxins in question take time to metabolize, which wouldn't result in hallucinations after a few hours, or even a few days of exposure. So, Father Karras wasn't just trippin on mold, it would seem.
Comment icon #28 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
Sorry, can't buy this theory. While I suppose it would be possible for someone who lived or worked in a structure for a long period of time to develop hallucinations due to exposure to toxic molds or fungus, wouldn't they then also have those same symptoms away from the supposedly "haunted" location? Also, as I understand it, most of the toxins in question take time to metabolize, which wouldn't result in hallucinations after a few hours, or even a few days of exposure. So, Father Karras wasn't just trippin on mold, it would seem. Agreed, it doesn't explain everything. But as most people who e... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by fldinosaur 10 years ago
At least they say "may have" and not "did". The couple of people years back I knew who lived in a moldy house were often sick. Never stated they saw things. It's funny that when the whole topic of ghosts/paranormal got more attention, the more these kinds of stories pop up. Kind of like Ghost Hunters when that Steve guy goes out of his way to replicate something so that MUST be what happened. He wasn't there when the client saw what he saw. Just another attempt at "science" trying to keep things under their control instead of looking for answers with an open mind. Mold? Really?
Comment icon #30 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
At least they say "may have" and not "did". The couple of people years back I knew who lived in a moldy house were often sick. Never stated they saw things. It's funny that when the whole topic of ghosts/paranormal got more attention, the more these kinds of stories pop up. Kind of like Ghost Hunters when that Steve guy goes out of his way to replicate something so that MUST be what happened. He wasn't there when the client saw what he saw. Just another attempt at "science" trying to keep things under their control instead of looking for answers with an open mind. Mold? Really? I'm not sure wh... [More]
Comment icon #31 Posted by fldinosaur 10 years ago
I'm not sure why "science" is in quotes and then you suggest it doesn't have an open mind. Science is the process of discovery and understanding. i.e. looking at evidence and trying to come up with a repeatable cause and effect. You can't do that without an open mind. Or are you suggesting that we should just take every anecdote about someone's strange experience at face value without trying to determine a cause? If so, then we have to believe every story about ghosts, faeries, bigfoots and aliens someone tells us. It's not a matter of suppression, it's a desire to know the truth. In this case... [More]
Comment icon #32 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
I put science in quotes because concerning the paranormal, and UFO's for that matter, science is subjective which to me makes it not science. And though I understand the wanting to know why something happened, sometimes we just don't know. Sometimes, things just are...Why does something have to be repeatable for it to be real? Repeatable how? People have had ghost encounters for hundreds of years...isn't that repeated? And too often, science is manipulated to back up someone's personal beliefs so how can science be totally trusted? Of course not EVERY story is true, but just because someone do... [More]
Comment icon #33 Posted by Jeanie_Girl1978 10 years ago
Ive Seen Ghosts Late At Night Before While My Friend Was Driving My Car They Were People Just Like Us Dressed They WEre Walking On THe Sidewalk AS If THey Were Going Somewhere I Told My Friend He Was Scared Saw Them Too Told Me To Shut Up It Was Pretty Freaky Him And His Family Are Very Religious

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