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Ghosts & Hauntings

'Island of dolls' is the stuff of nightmares

By T.K. Randall
August 5, 2015 · Comment icon 18 comments

This is not somewhere that you'd want to spend the night. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Esparta Palma
A remote area of woodland in Mexico is home to thousands of mutilated dolls hanging up in trees.
The cold, dead stare of a doll's eyes have the potential to freak just about anyone out at the best of times, but for those with an actual phobia of dolls there is one place you definitely don't want to visit.

Situated in a remote wooded area in Xochimilco, Mexico, the appropriately named 'Island of the dolls' consists of thousands of old dolls and doll parts hanging ominously from the trees.

Legend has it that artist Julian Santana Barrera, who is attributed with hanging up the first dolls, was compelled to do so after hearing the tormented screams of a girl said to have drowned nearby.

Since then the area has gained a reputation for being haunted and visitors continue to drop by from time to time to leave coins and to hang more dolls thus adding to the ever-growing collection.

Source: Malaysian Digest | Comments (18)

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Comment icon #9 Posted by Leo Krupe 9 years ago
From the article... Legend has it that artist Julian Santana Barrera, who is attributed with hanging up the first dolls, was compelled to do so after hearing the tormented screams of a girl said to have drowned nearby. I always heard that in Mexico, you shouldn't drink the water....
Comment icon #10 Posted by Junior Chubb 9 years ago
I always heard that in Mexico, you shouldn't drink the water.... Well the Mexicans don't, so when in Rome...
Comment icon #11 Posted by Regina Ulfa 9 years ago
I love dolls.
Comment icon #12 Posted by SgtTechHead 9 years ago
I bet the artist had no clue the initial tribute to the "drowning girl" would turn into such a freakish display. Dolls, just creepy...uugghh!
Comment icon #13 Posted by fldinosaur 9 years ago
This was on Destination Truth. Ghost Adventures went there also. Both had eerie experiences.
Comment icon #14 Posted by LostSouls7 9 years ago
Now that is just beautiful!
Comment icon #15 Posted by Paranomali 9 years ago
Wow, very creepy. I would love to go and check this place out
Comment icon #16 Posted by Stubbly_Dooright 9 years ago
Yeah, I watched the episodes of 'Destination Truth' and 'Ghost Adventures', when they went there, and yeah, noticed their experiences of that. (creepy would be the word I would feel on that. *shrugs* ) If I remember from either those shows, or somewhere else, the guy who initially put those dolls up, also died on that island, and I think it's reported his ghost haunts there too. If I read that somewhere correctly. *shrugs* Even if it's found out there are natural explanations for reported experiences, the very fact that being there with all those dolls hung up in such a way, would bother me im... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by thegarden 9 years ago
A remote area of woodland in Mexico is home to thousands of mutilated dolls hanging up in trees. Read More: http://www.unexplain...f-of-nightmares Fear is a powerful thing
Comment icon #18 Posted by harpybirb 9 years ago
I believe the name of the man who put the dolls there is Don Julian Santana. Source: x

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