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Mysterious 'ghost plane' spotted over UK

By T.K. Randall
August 13, 2015 · Comment icon 48 comments

Could the plane have been a Lancaster Bomber ? Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Paul Hudson
Several people have reported seeing an old World War II era bomber aircraft flying low over Derbyshire.
The large prop-driven airplane had been spotted by multiple witnesses and was described as "completely silent" as it flew low over the English countryside.

Richard and Helen Jephson had been driving their car in Rowsley on the afternoon of August 3rd when they saw the plane flying so near to the ground that they thought it was going to crash.

"My car window was open and this plane was so low that you could touch it – but it was completely silent," said Richard. "We sort of braced ourselves for a crash but nothing happened."
The strange aircraft was later seen again by witnesses on the A52 from Derby.

"It was flying very, very low but there are quite a lot of trees at the point, so I couldn't get a very good look at it," said Richard Burley. "It was definitely not a Lancaster, it was much smaller than that, but I couldn't be sure. I couldn't believe that nobody else had seen it !".

Authorities have confirmed that there were no scheduled air displays or flyovers at these times.

Source: AOL News | Comments (48)

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Comment icon #39 Posted by Mikko-kun 9 years ago
Surely you cant have inanimate plane ghosts? But yes a ghost plane 'sounds' more fun.. Ive watched the RC crowd at my local park who fly on sundays, Ive often noted just how say an RC helicopter (traditional design that is), is barely distinguishable from the real thing at a certain height/distance Well, the flying dutch is hardly the only alleged ghost ship, I recall at least six others, so it'd be just a matter of time before a ghost plane turned up. But why no ghost cars or ghost horse wagons?
Comment icon #40 Posted by Norbert the Incredible 9 years ago
i don't know, there've been plenty of stories about ghost cars that mysteriously disappear or go through fences leaving no trace, aren't there. And there's abundant stories of ghostly horses & carriages from all over the place. What I've sometimes thought is, what if ghosts aren't "restless spirits" or anything like that, but what if they're kind of like echoes or flashbacks of events that happened some time in the past - like in the case, perhaps, of the crash of a plane during the War - that just pop up from time to time and reply themselves, whether anyone's watching or not? Or perhaps ... [More]
Comment icon #41 Posted by Jacques Terreur 9 years ago
i don't know, there've been plenty of stories about ghost cars that mysteriously disappear or go through fences leaving no trace, aren't there. And there's abundant stories of ghostly horses & carriages from all over the place. What I've sometimes thought is, what if ghosts aren't "restless spirits" or anything like that, but what if they're kind of like echoes or flashbacks of events that happened some time in the past - like in the case, perhaps, of the crash of a plane during the War - that just pop up from time to time and reply themselves, whether anyone's watching or not? Or perhaps ... [More]
Comment icon #42 Posted by The Russian Hare 9 years ago
Haven't some UFO sightings been kind of like that? No sound, and nobody other than the witness seems to notice?
Comment icon #43 Posted by Matt Vinyl 9 years ago
Based on nothing more than thoughts in my own mind: But I'm reminded of the 'good old days' of where we used to record programs off the telly on VHS tape (or going back even earlier, Betamax!) Regardless of the make though, these were magnetic tapes. Now, thinking of the Earth's magnetic field, I wonder if sometimes events (of any nature) somehow get 'recorded' in a similar way (a bit flaky here on what it would be stored on ) and then certain atmospheric conditions cause these events to be replayed. I'm unsure if this is even remotely possible at all, but it's something I've often toyed aroun... [More]
Comment icon #44 Posted by zeek wulfe 9 years ago
Martin Caiden, the aviation writer once wrote a book about spooky airplanes and pilots. The writer, now deceased, said that his initial thoughts on the subject were that ghost airplanes, ghostly encounters in disused hangars and weird out-of-time occurances were rubbish. I've forgotten the title but it was a good read despite Caiden's rather earthy and dated writing style. zw
Comment icon #45 Posted by Sweetpumper 9 years ago
Haven't some UFO sightings been kind of like that? No sound, and nobody other than the witness seems to notice? Oh, yeah.
Comment icon #46 Posted by coolguy 9 years ago
The Lancaster is one of my fav planes from world war 2, Very cool it could be a ghost plane any video of it
Comment icon #47 Posted by derby_dave 7 years ago
please be aware that the Peak District and the Pennines were used by bomber command during the war for practice and teaching.  The area was locked down when trialing the bouncing bomb so no planes except the ones to carry this bomb were allowed in the area.   I my self have heard of this phantom plane many times and i personally think it is a WW2  bomber either a Lancaster or a Wellington.   
Comment icon #48 Posted by oldrover 7 years ago
I've heard of the phantom bombers on the peak district many times too.  I thought I saw something strange planewise once in a little valley just north of Llandovery, it was flying very low through the hills. I think it was a C-130 though. They fly very low and in very hilly terrain. 

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