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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Maine snakeskin is actually from an anaconda

By T.K. Randall
September 4, 2016 · Comment icon 14 comments

Is there an anaconda loose in Maine ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Dr. Rukinogi
A mysterious snakeskin found in Maine recently has turned out to be from a very large snake indeed.
Discovered back in August by a member of the public, the 12ft-long snakeskin has intensified rumors that a giant snake called Wessie has been lurking in the woods around the city of Westbrook, Maine.

Now following an official investigation, local authorities have revealed that the snakeskin is actually that of an anaconda - a particularly large snake species most commonly found in the tropical rainforests of South America.

Whether the skin was actually shed by a snake living wild in the area or if it was placed there by someone as a prank however continues to remain a topic of much debate.

"It could be a hoax, I don't know. It's certainly interesting," said Westbrook Police Captain Sean Lally.
"I don't know what to think at this point. Now that the skin has been identified, it's going to take it to a different level - people are going to be even more interested than they already are."

But if there really is an anaconda on the loose in Maine, how did it get there ?

"If it's indeed an anaconda, probably someone didn't want it anymore and let it go because it was big and required large food prey items," said wildlife biologist Derek Yorks.

"You'd have to be buying this thing rabbits or chickens."

"The fact that police officers saw a large snake makes me think there is some big snake out there, but whether that snake matches up with the skin they found, no one knows."

Source: Boston Globe | Comments (14)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #5 Posted by paperdyer 8 years ago
Regardless whether it's 10 ft or 12 ft, I want no part of it!
Comment icon #6 Posted by BeastieRunner 8 years ago
That's a big snake ... I hope they find it!
Comment icon #7 Posted by stereologist 8 years ago
I find snakes in my house every fall.  Sometimes it is the live snake. Sometimes it is just a snake skin. The snake skins can be any place imaginable.  I do not mind the snakes. They are temporary visitors that are trying to keep what would like to permanent visitors out of my house. I do find it interesting that the skin was fairly linear. Rat snakes and brown racers do not do that where I live. But we are not dealing with that species since the skin is much longer than what those snakes could grow to. I doubt the snake will be located. What we d know from the Everglades is that snake shoul... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 8 years ago
No snakes inside, but I make sure that if I find any on my property I treat them well and not disturb them--except to move them out of the yard so I don't hit them with the mower  They kill vermin, and as far as I'm concerned, they are welcome here as long for as long as I am here.
Comment icon #9 Posted by stereologist 8 years ago
I was thinking about the snake skin being laid out straight. I'll bet that was done to measure its length. A snake usually does some rubbing to remove the old skin.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 8 years ago
I have seen a couple fairly straight ones around here, but mostly they're all bunched up. I've never seen a 10ft snakeskin....yikes.  I have seen at least 6ft of black snake slithering off into the grass near the barn....please note that I didn't see it's head so it was at least six feet long, by my crude estimates.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Varelse 8 years ago
Sounds like a hoax we did back in college - a guy had a 7 ft python with about 5 feet of skin but we left it where it was an obvious plant-in a classroom. Still scared some people.
Comment icon #12 Posted by some new guy 8 years ago
the snakeskin has been identified as an anaconda BEST - Ron
Comment icon #13 Posted by DieChecker 8 years ago
I read about this. The skin was confirmed to be from an anaconda. The best guess so far is someone planted it there. However they (the local government) also said that experts say that if the snake is really there, it will die long before winter, as the weather dips down into the 60s and 50s, it will get sluggish and then die.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Silver_Lyre 8 years ago
...i wonder if any family pets have gone missing in the area.

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