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Nature & Environment

Humpback whale filmed sneezing a rainbow

By T.K. Randall
April 14, 2018 · Comment icon 6 comments

Humpback whales typically surface every 7 to 15 minutes. Image Credit: CC BY 3.0 Whit Welles
A wildlife photographer recently captured the moment a whale's blowhole spray produced a spectacular rainbow.
Domenic Biagini had been on a whale-spotting trip off the coast of San Diego back in December when the footage, which can be viewed below, was captured.

The rainbow formed from the water droplets in the spray in the same way as a typical rainbow forms in the sky when raindrops refract sunlight, splitting it up in to its constituent colors.
"We call it a rain-blow," said Biagini.

Source: Live Science | Comments (6)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Still Waters 6 years ago
Lovely! I would have been chuffed just seeing the whale, the rainbow is an awesome bonus.
Comment icon #2 Posted by third_eye 6 years ago
The whale probably ate one too many sea unicorns ... ~
Comment icon #3 Posted by Daughter of the Nine Moons 6 years ago
What Still Waters said and best thread title lol
Comment icon #4 Posted by quiXilver 6 years ago
Oh man, that's the best thing I've seen in a while! Thanks for sharing!   Just last week, my gal and I saw, for the second time in 18 years, a humpback just off our beach.   Not even twenty yards from shore.  It was a tweener.  She hung out for about 45 minutes, mostly floating nose up tail down, then lazily rolling back and forth, just beyond the surf. Pure amazing, those creatures... spending their lives, flying through water, singing ancient songs and making more whales.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Katniss 6 years ago
Beautiful and magical. Love it!
Comment icon #6 Posted by Iilaa'mpuul'xem 6 years ago
Beautiful.. a magical experience.. thank you for sharing. 

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