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Modern Mysteries

'Time traveler' claims to be from the year 6491

By T.K. Randall
June 4, 2018 · Comment icon 41 comments

It is extremely unlikely that this guy is actually from the future. Image Credit: YouTube / ApexTV
A man who claims to be from the future is subjected to a lie detector test in a rather dubious new video.
The man, who identifies himself as James Oliver and maintains that he is from thousands of years in the future, has appeared in a video on the extremely controversial 'ApexTV' YouTube channel.

With his face blanked out and his voice distorted, Oliver can be seen slouched in a chair with his hands hooked up to a computer while another man asks him a series of questions.

Inevitably, the supposed lie detection equipment returns 'true' for every single one of them.
Given that Apex TV has previously published several videos featuring alleged time travelers, it is doubtful to the extreme that any of them, Oliver included, are actually from the future.

Suffice to say, it's best to to take this one with a very large pinch of salt indeed.

The interview itself can be viewed below.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #32 Posted by freetoroam 6 years ago
If he was legit, if anyone tried to take him, all he would have to do is head off back to the future. 
Comment icon #33 Posted by Vilasarius 6 years ago
He was probably born June 4 1991 -  6-4-91 so it would be easy to remember 6491. He said his planet traveled around "the sun" instead of "my or our" sun. Struck me as odd. The Paris accord. He's from thousands of years in the future and another planet, yet is knowledgeable in the "Paris accords" and a never ending list of errors. But it is not like I believed him anyway.
Comment icon #34 Posted by DingoLingo 6 years ago
I'm a time traveler .. I travel through time differently twice a week.. when I fly to work then fly home again.. 
Comment icon #35 Posted by Hammerclaw 6 years ago
He'd have to be a space-time traveler, because the solar system isn't stationary.
Comment icon #36 Posted by GoldenRabbit 6 years ago
This time traveller seems to have an English accent 
Comment icon #37 Posted by kartikg 6 years ago
Man youtube should censor such videos. 
Comment icon #38 Posted by Hammerclaw 6 years ago
Ask him if they ever really found Amelia Earhart.
Comment icon #39 Posted by Essan 6 years ago
The fact he speaks modern English at all proves he is a fraud.  Even in 500 years the language has changed almost beyond comprehension.  
Comment icon #40 Posted by Dark Howl 6 years ago
Why are their faces blanked?
Comment icon #41 Posted by Occams Razor 6 years ago
No doubt he will have a few thousand years worth of winning lottery numbers.

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