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World of the Bizarre

Woman develops inability to hear men talk

By T.K. Randall
January 13, 2019 · Comment icon 31 comments

The condition affects 1 in 13,000 patients with hearing problems. Image Credit: Samantha Villagran /
A woman in China made headlines recently after it emerged that she was unable to hear men's voices.
According to reports, the woman, who has been identified only as Ms. Chen, had awoken one morning to find that she was suddenly no longer able to hear a single word that her boyfriend said to her.

Concerned by this strangely selective hearing loss, she went straight to Qianpu Hospital where she consulted with Dr. Lin Xiaoqing - an ear, nose and throat specialist.

"She was able to hear me when I spoke to her, but when a young male patient walked in, she couldn't hear him at all," Dr. Lin later told reporters.
Chen had experienced nausea and ringing in her ears the night before the hearing loss had started and was also under a lot of stress due to late working hours and a lack of sleep.

She was eventually diagnosed with "reverse-slope hearing loss", which is a rare condition that prevents a person from being able to hear low frequencies.

Fortunately for Chen however, the condition is only believed to be temporary.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #22 Posted by aniknonymous 6 years ago
i bet a group of feminists are researching how to make it happen as we speak.
Comment icon #23 Posted by kobolds 6 years ago
I get / received , a person intention before hearing the words .
Comment icon #24 Posted by Eldorado 6 years ago
Comment icon #25 Posted by Pettytalk 6 years ago
It's a kind of auditory discrimination. Is there a condition, likewise, for men auditory discrimination of only women's voices?   Anyway, I would think that this Chinese woman's condition is not much different than the ignore option on this mysterious forum. Except perhaps that the option on this forum is an equal opportunity option, as it does not discriminate on the basis of sex. 
Comment icon #26 Posted by Farmer77 6 years ago
Football season
Comment icon #27 Posted by Pettytalk 6 years ago
For me it's duck season!
Comment icon #28 Posted by skrubby 6 years ago
Comment icon #29 Posted by PrisonerX 6 years ago
What did she say?
Comment icon #30 Posted by newbloodmoon 6 years ago
Women have been “not hearing” men for years and vise versa.
Comment icon #31 Posted by mesuma 6 years ago
It was a joke.

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