None of the partygoers noticed anything at the time. Image Credit: YouTube / Satish Baswa
Video footage of someone's birthday party celebrations features an anomalous extra in the background.
The video, which has been doing the rounds online this week, shows a group of people reportedly engaged in a makeshift birthday bash in front of what looks like a gas station.
Around 3 seconds into the footage, a mysterious shape - vaguely in the form of a figure - can be seen moving at speed across the frame in the background before disappearing behind the pumps.
None of the party appear to notice the anomaly and whoever is behind the camera does not react.
Little is actually known about the video, including when exactly it was taken (presumably not recently given the lack of any social distancing or face masks).
Some have suggested that the 'ghost' could be the reflection of a vehicle passing by or even a wisp of smoke from someone smoking a cigarette off-camera.
I say who cares. Water off a ducks back. Imagine their surprise when they cross over. Makes me laugh every time. I must appologise to you for any angst I caused you. I remember being cruel to you, and laughing at you. Never again. From now on, I laugh with you. Peace brother, may your journey be fruitful, and short.
ok I watched it a few times. While at first glance it would seem that the 'ghost' passes behind everything, if you watch closely you will see the shadow is on this side of the 'blue' post. Pause at .05 to see. This suggests to me it has been added edit to add: They did get it right by having the 'ghost' behind the people and also the big pump....but they forgot to also do the blue poll....small detail- but for me that is a hoax fail.....
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